"well said kid,I look forward to what you Will accomplish in the future"

and then with a snap of the devil's fingers and a flash of light,the mc's new life began by being thanos snapped into existence.




infront of a closed golden door 3 very powerful men can be seen standing,2 of them pacing nervously while the 3rd leaned on a wall seemingly fine,but one could see the worry and concern in his green eyes, the two pacing men were odin allfather god of wisdom and knowledge and Thor odinson God of thunder while the seemingly calm man was loki god of mischief.

when a nurse comes out of the room towards odin and bows"congratulations your majesty,you have a new son,and both your son and wife are fine and perfectly healthy" hearing this odin smiles,thor let's out a boisterous laugh and even loki has a small smile on his face "take me to them!" saying this all three of them moved towards the golden door following the nurse.

MC POC I know why people choose transmigration,if the reward wasn't literal fucking godhood I would've said not worth it,hell I still have some doubts as no man and i mean it no man enemy or not should have to remember opening them cheeks to leave and not to enter,shiver,sigh besides that things went as normal,the sexy blonde nurse spanked my ass while I let out a baby cry and stared intently at her face to memories it,so that I could return the favour in the future,before I was handed over to my new mother and holy moly baloney this bitch a milf!!, I mean she looks just like her canon counterpart but not at all aswell,it's like the canon one was the template where this one is the perfected version made a 100 times more beautiful,huh suddenly I don't feel so bad about being a baby,she cradled me and looked upon me with love ,when the door opened and three men entered and you guessed it there were the rest of my new family looking like their canon counterparts besides the fact that loki looked sexier(how tf is that possible!,no homo tho) thor looking like he could crush a man's head with his mere hands..which he could and odin looking much more regal and much much more buff not to mention he had that kingly air around him making people believe he wouldn't have any trouble beating the shit out of both his sons.....which he wouldn't, he comes and picks me up looking at me with surprisingly tender eyes,he holds me up in the air when suddenly night turns to day and a Ray of pure light shines on me feeling like the world's greatest drug,I could feel myself grow stronger from the sunlight,holy shit am I kryptonian!!, after that the light stopped and the day went back to night leaving a dumbfounded room ,before odin laughed and said with a booming noise that spread throughout all of ASGARD "rejoice and celeberate the birth of your new Prince BALDUR ODINSON GOD OF LIGHT AND THE SUN!"

.........god of the sun huh,well that will come in handy fooling the masses,now go shoo old man I want some of them milf titties.... ehm I meant milk ,I want milk.