3rd and my most favourite I can now fly!! and wasn't that an absolute thrill ,though I've been banned from flying outside the Palace for now until Im older its still awesome.

now then even though I haven't made any huge strides I still have all my basses covered,all that's left is to turn 10 and start warrior training




on the training grounds one can see a 10 year old baldur,who looked more like a slightly buff 13-14 year old Standing next to his teacher,a wiry man who's body looked liked it was made of pure muscle, and made to be flexible and fast alongside being strong, he had short black hair a 5 o clock shadow ,and a small scar above his left eyebrow while his right hand was holding a weapon that was the reason for him being chosen to train baldur, you see baldur had chosen to train in a very unique weapon that not many people in asgard used,and out of those that did ,this man Arne gorm was the best of them,and even while comparing him to the rest of the asgardian army he was still one of the very best,as for the weapon baldur chose,well he chose the guandao.

walking around baldur ,he looked over baldur and nodded to himself."tell Me Prince baldur why is it that you chose the guandao as your weapon?"

"I found it to look the most badass" answers baldur shamelessly,with his left eye twitching at baldurs Frank awnser ,Arne looks at him and says "it matters not why you chose it,from now onwards it will be your one true partner,you WILL take care of it and it In return Will take of you,I will teach you the way of the guandao and you WILL not disappoint me understood!"

"yes sir!"

"Good now let's begin...."

but before we begin the training montage let's go over what baldurs managed to do and learn in the past 4 years

in the past four years bladur has made great strides In his studies both magical and scientific,

for his magic,he has managed to learn how to make illusions like loki does,since he was taught how to by loki himself,not only that he's currently trying to use his divinity over light to make hard light illusions,besides that his other magical arts are going splendidly aswell he has managed to learn many elementel spells,honestly if loki could fling around lightning and fire like a avatar on crack why tf didn't he?,apparently loki's magic reserves aren't as massive as mine or Thors hence he can't afford to use spells like that,and since the asgardians don't know how to use dimensional energy to use spells,loki is stuck with relying on his own meger reserves ,while Thor completely wastes his magical potential,no wonder this guy hates thor,any way talking about that I found out I had more magic then thor but thors natural physique was stronger then mine ,that buffoon was born to be a musclehead,still its nothing a serum or two won't fix down the line.other then that In about another 2 years I'll be able to make my own inventory!!,apparently both loki and frigga have one but they call theirs personal spacial pockets.

on the science side of things I've read enough to be confident that given another 3 years I can make my own A.i that will obviously be better then jarvis becouse of the resources available to me,and I've also been reading up on genealogy to get ready for my serums,my precious,precious serums, and on the side of my divinity something very interesting happened,last year when I turned nine another sun appeared in my sea of consciousness! making my divinity and attacks using my divinity much stronger.right now I can shoot beems of light from my hands hot enough to burn through metal,heh nice, I've also created a new skill with my telekinesis,pushing out my awareness,and telekinetic feelers around me in a circle,I can create a domain in which I can feel.the slightest movement and muscle twitch of my opponent,its basically discount observation haki.

now that we're done with how my past 4 years were let's go back to the training montage...hah sike,imma leave you on a cliffhanger


Fun fact Arne gorm means the Eagle who worships god

also,training montage next chapter