unknown to baldur the moment he had used so much psionic power he had captured the attention of one of the most powerful entities of marvel.



After getting done with his manical laughter,baldur gets up and tries to get control over his new telekinetic powers over the next few hours before he goes to the ss.sexy and back to earth.



baldur is currently on his bed in a meditation pose with his eyes closed,focusing on changing his mental shields to Match his new needs,first he makes it so that's his shields will let out his telepathy but not let in anybody else's,and he can also turn his telepathy on and off,after that he reinforces his magical mental shields with his new telepathic mental shields.

Before he gets up to go say goodbye to the ancient one,

Finding her sitting on a chair drinking tea,he stands besides her "Why hello there mama baldy"  Sigh "hello to you to baldur,am I to assume that you will be leaving today?"

"Yes,I plan to go explore some more of the galaxy" very well,she gets up and gives me a square piece of ebony wood,"break this if you ever need my help,as I know you will protect the earth if it is in danger,I will also lend you my help if you are ever in danger as It is my duty as your teacher"

Though I doubt I'll ever use it I still bow my head to her In gratitude "thank you master" before leaving 


I turn invisible and head into their vibranium mines,no way was I gonna let go of the chance to steal so much vibranium while wakanda wasn't as advanced as it will be in the future and no one will know about it.

i plan to make my vuvi a mixture of vibranium and uru as well as get some vibranium lined clothes made,why? becouse there cool that's why,I ofcourse had lola steal all the knowledge of wakanda aswell,as for how much vibranium I took....Well let's just say I won't be needing to come back for more for a long time,

what these fuckers have a entire mountain of it, they'll be fine without a couple Tons of it.



I was just chilling In my captains chair having plotted the course to the planet of the vuatu and was about to go to sleep,when lola pops out and disturbs me "hey boss,guess what just happened!"

"Loki stopped being a emo bitch?"

"Nope guess again!"

"Odin realised he was the god of wisdom and for once actually acted like it?"


"Fine then i quit,what is it?"

"There is a revolt in vanaheim! A small army of warriors led by a group calling them selves the sinister six are trying to conquer it!"

completely ignoring the fact that there calling themselves the sinister six because my brain wasn't ready to deal with it I still

"Vanahiem eh? Tell me lola what has asgard done about this?"

"Asgard is readying its own troops and will likely send them out through the bifrost in  7-9 days"

"I see,and how long would it take us to get their at full speed"

"Hmm ,I'd say we could get their in 6 days if we push it"

"Good,set the course to vanahiem then and push it,its time to earn a reputation for myself.and start the spread of my name throughout the galaxy."



Frigga was standing next to odin who was on his throne ,having just received baldurs letter,"This insolent whelp!!,to think he would just steal a spaceship and run away!!"

"I'll send thor and loki after him to bring him back home right now! And then ill teach the brat some respect!"

Firgga looks at him with amusement in her eyes " "oh,leave it already, he'll come back in mere decades,let him have his fun,he's grown up now "

"What? Grown up! He's merely a boy,he's not even an adult yet by asgardian standards!"

"And yet he is still more mature then thor,also do you truly think, even thor and loki both together could force him back home?"

Odin grimaced remembering how Strong his third son truly is,thinking about that he thought of another thing,of how he had always thought baldur was worthy to be a king, the only thing he lacked was experience ....perhaps his trip throughout the galaxy might remedy that,in which case  "perhaps your right,perhaps this isn't such a bad thing after all"

Frigga smiles smugly at this "ofcourse I am right who do you think I am"



There were 3 days left before he reached vanahiem so baldur decided to do something he was thinking of,taking a small piece  of the vibranium he had,he put it on his palms and started to heat it up by creating a flame on his palm,slowly raising the temperature before it turned supernova,then he canceled the flames and molded the liquid vibranium to his will using telepathy,and carved runes into it while shaping it into a ring, he also added a power holding gem into it,the runes he carved into it were the Same ones the sling rings had,plus some other things, meaning now he had his own slinging,he also added some runes that would automatically  trigger the sling ring and open a portal to a safe place if he was ever knocked out,hence the powerholding gem to power that function,he was also going to shift lola into this ring ,making it a very useful item indeed, telling lola to create backups of her self,he starts shifting her to the new ring



I don't really have something to say ,I'm just used to adding author notes to the end of every chapter, ya'll got any good fic,book or show recommendations?