"Cheh,we've been paid to assassinate one of the nova corps leaders, you'll get 5 % of the cut as usual"

"Done, lead the way"

Following vena I get ready for the mission


Me and vena look towards the ambassadors mansion, from a room we had sneaked into,of the house that was right next to the ambassadors, the owners had gone on a vacation off world ,and the defences though cutting edge were meant to stop normal thief's or assasins not a god and a vuatu.

After 15 mins of observing and diagnostic spells, this is what they had figured out ,the ambassador was on the second floor in his office alone,the door to that office was guarded by 4 guards, while the floor he was in was being patrolled by 12 other guards, while the first floor was empty and completely blocked off,same with the roof.

There were sensors and cameras on all 3 floors , including turrets ,especially on the 2cnd where the ambassador was,but.....there were no magical defenses, meaning they might aswell not be any as far as they were concerned.

Baldur and vena both covered their faces In shadows using magic,incase the invisibility failed ,baldur then used his divinity over light to reflect it and make them invisible, topping it off with invisibility spells and spells to cancel sound ,smell and heat released. only they would be able to see eachother

Baldur truly believes in the batman philosophy, one can never be paranoid enough.

As for the motion sensors, cameras and turrets etc ,even though it was not needed he had lola hack and take control of them.

He covered vena In his telekinetic field and they both flew to the roof of the house, landing in the middle without making a sound ,both thier figures flashed and 4 guards now lied in a pile where they had landed.

Baldur and vena walked towards the door ,baldur drew a circle on the door with his finger and walked through the portal that opened with vena by his side.

Walking past the sensors and turrets on the walls that remained inactive due to lola , they both reached the 2cnd floor ,the floor where the ambassador was.

Looking at the 16 guards on this floor ,vena cast a sound barrier so that no noise would reach the ambassador

While baldur threw his chakrams which were also invisible and soundless, Instantly beheading all 16 guards,and just like that all the opposition to their job was gotten rid of.

Walking towards the ambassadors door ,baldur opens it and walks in with vena .

Seeing the door seemingly open itself, the ambassador, a fat man in his 60's gets spooked and is about to call for his guards when two things happen simultaneously.

Vena is about to throw a knife at the ambassador ,when baldurs eyes twitch and he pulls her back with his left hand and slaps away a energy bolt with his right. destroying the wall said bolt impacted.

Looking at his right hand which was slightly smoking baldurs eyebrows rise ,dafuck kinda gun was this.

Looking at a shadowed wall out of which a man in armour comes out ,seemingly from nowhere ,baldur smiles, perhaps this mission might be a bit more interesting then he thought.


The only reason he could feel this man was because of his telekinetic domain,otherwise if he wasn't standing infront of him,baldur would say that there was no one there.

While vena takes a offensive position and the ambassador hides beneath his table, baldur tries to starts a conversation.he smiles and says "Why hello there,love the outfit, may I ask who you are?" Right after saying that baldur tilts his head slightly to the right dodging another energy beam ,his smile still on his face "well,that was a bit rude,wasn't it" vena throws a knife covered in the flames of corruption, while baldur Shoots a supernova beam out of his hand ,only for the man to doge the knife and block baldurs beam by a shield that pops out of his arm.

Ooh, a shield that can block such an attack must be made out of uru,vibranium or an equivalent metal, how intriguing.not to mention that we're both still invisible so how is it that he is fighting us.

Right after blocking the beam ,the man himself goes invisible, freaking vena out as even she can't see him now and this is the first time such a thing has happened to her. Baldur is fine though as he can still feel him and even the slightest of movements he makes as he is in his domain.

Still at this point both the right and left wall of the room had blown up hence the nova corps would be coming soon, best to finish this as quickly as possible.

Baldur flashes to where the man is and kicks him in the stomach sending him flying down to the street , "take care of the ambassador" saying that to vena ,baldur jumps down and onto the street ,dodging a punch from the armoured man ,baldurs eyes widen as 3 red claws had just come out of the slits on the man's

After swiping at baldur the man ,shoots him with his other hand, to which baldur just pushes the laser bolt back into his rifle blowing It up, using telekinesis.

Baldur engages the man in hand to hand combat before ,loosing his smile and saying  "fast" the man dodges a kick , "skilled even" baldur punches him in the stomach sending him flying back "very well equipped" the man gets up and shoots forward ,punching baldur ,only for baldur to catch his hand and crush it "...but weak" baldur super heats his hand to ridiculous levels making his hand glow white ,and plunges it into his chest, bypassing his armour and ripping his heart out.

Throwing the now visible body into his Inventory ,baldur turns back to see a blushing vena staring at his bloody hand.

Laughing inwardly at the cute dark elf, baldur holds her and portals out.

Leaving a very confused and scared  neighbourhood behind as all they saw was random explosions happening for no reason as both the combatants were invisible.


hey guys about my previous A/n when I mentioned the ntr,I have been told that she was not his girlfriend when it happened and they haven't officially gotten together yet either hence its technically not ntr,just wanted to tell ya'll that I was wrong about it being ntr,it's just something I still very much disliked personally,also if you're ok with it go give thegodsages book a read he's a great author.