140)Without a Bonnie

"And that's the last one, haah, that's it? they weren't that meaty in my opinion, it took us what? less than 2 minutes to wipe ten players out? I'd say that's pretty good," Night said as cleaned the blood of his Glacial Balance with the help of his darkness.

"I don't really understand how your skill works..." Nate commented as he looked at dark clouds cleaning up Night's weapon. "Anyway, what'd you expect really? they didn't really have a plan in mind and even if they did, it was nothing compared to ours ahaha. Besides, you sadistically hurt their legs rendering them unable to move quickly. It was a smart move but cruel,"

"I only did that because we planned to finish them off with your skills. Oh and I really have no idea how this works as well, it just follows whatever I wish for.." Night said as he willed his darkness to form a question mark.