
Blurry lenses. His vision was clear and perfect, but everything felt off. It was like a door wasn't fully closed, or a mat not properly aligned. It was a drastic and unusual change for someone who never cared for such a thing.

Alignment and whatnot were the last of his worries but when he opened his eyes and the bright light entered his frame, it was crystal clear, as if he had been given a new pair of eyes. However, it felt weird, was it a matter of adjustment? Regardless of how his vision felt, Luke's entire body was light. Almost a little too light.

'I'm dead? Is that it?' he thought as he blinked a few times to get used to his surroundings. When he looked to his left, he saw his best friend sleeping without a care in the world, Nate's left hand was on his eyes, which he must've done in his sleep to reduce the effect of the sunlight.