245)Archery Range and Noel's new obsession

"Both of you have been acting really weird ever since we left the Den," Night muttered as he continued walking, Noctis curled onto his head and embraced it as tight as it could without hurting him. While Shade's eyesight was only focused on Night.

"It's nothing, My Lord!! It's just that…your presence is truly mesmerizing, especially now that you're an Epic," Shade commented, he never missed an opportunity to praise Night.

"Hmmm, you may be right…I feel really light and strong, my body seems refined and it's as if there exist no impurities in it," the truth was that ever since he ascended for the second time, a large portion of the impurities in his body was flushed out. Of course, it wasn't just that. Paired with the fact that he was now an Epic, that is, only a single grade away from becoming a Legend and stepping into the Hall of Fame, his body was now fundamentally different from the others.