chapter 4

inside the dungeon

currently Jin is walking through a barren land . a place with no touch of green . sky is painted with red colour . and surrounding is covered with an deadly aura .

"this place is not same as in original . what type of monsters will appear here , I don't know any of that but staying in a place like this is surely depressing "

as hi walks around some zombie start appearing from the ground

// zombie Lev 4//

seeing the zombie hi take out his katana from his inventory

"seems like this dungeon is filled with undead . for a newbie like me this is ideal place for leveling up . as these zombie have low agility it will be more easy to earn some exp from them "

as Jin thought about it , he quickly charged to the place were zombie stood . when zombie senses him it turned to his direction and made roar and came to attack Jin . seeing the incoming zombie he drow his katana from his shelth

"roooooar "

see the the zombie attacked him first he slashed his katana vertically . sensing the incoming danger zombie tried to avoid result in loosing it's left arm . see that his attack didn't killed the zombie Jin retraced his katana dodging an attack from his right side as zombie tried to bite him . seeing an excellent opportunity Jin slashed his katana horizontally with all his strength .


as sound of blood splashing sound was heard , the head of the zombie was cut off from his neck.

// you have level up //

seeing the refreshing notification Jin become more happy . all his status got one more sp as sudden increase in strength made him more determined to become more strong in the future .

" this must be how Jin woo felt when he first level up in the dungeon . this feeling is amazing . this is more of a motivation for me to become more strong "

after seeing his reward and loots for killing his first zombie he started his journey again . as he moves forward more zombies that come to attack him . he had a lot of problems in dealing with multiple enemies as he have no fighting knowledge .

" attending some dojo for more information about fighting skills is a good idea but , seeing my age I doubt any one will teach me higher martial arts and sword techniques . I should perfect my move refering internet I guess "

as Jin started his future approach in fighting skills more and more zombies came to attack him . seeing this he quickly steady his katana . as he fought his way through them he really can't help but admire Jin woo in original , he really was genius in fighting and more braver than him . he really wants to go to solo leveling world after dxd.

time passed by Jin has been continuously slaying zombies as he go forward . he already attained 5 more level ups . as he sloughter his way through more and more injuries been inflicted on him.

" choosing this special physique is really was a good thing , all the negative impact zombies brings with them and all the curses were removed from his body by his physique . now as I move forward strength of the zombie also increasing and I still haven't seen an end to it . it is already fee hours I started my exp grinding now "

" as I move forward strength of the zombie increase and killing low level ones in here won't give me any benefits . as like original stronger the the monster the colour of the level of zombie wary , like very strong one have red colour as the difficulty decrease colour changes from orange , yellow , and green "


time passed by , few hours later

Jin have already dealt with hundreds of zombie and he already got two more level ups . he also got a title

// notice :new title' undead slayer '

effect : give 10% more damage towards undead creatures//

seeing the notification shown before him he sighed . as his level increased staying here sloughterin zombies become meaningless as It won't give him any substantial amount of exp now

to level up . during his grinding he already got hearth stone and a boss room entry ticket . but he is still thinking about what to do from no on as staying here won't give him any result.

" these zombie are already become weak for me now . even if I stay here I won't be able to have any level up . but going to boss room Is risky for me . intusion tells me that boss is no way same league as these zombies. but I don't want to give up at time like this . if I go back I will loose all my resolution in there . "

as I contemplated in my choices I thought about Jin woo . even after being a weak person he still stood courageous Infront of the incoming dangers he always deals with his problems In the way his heart think about it . as I compare myself with him I realized that I still lacked resolve to become strong . I still think my self as with my past life experiences which is not any good in these situation . as Jin realized his short comings he resolved himself that he will choose his own way to become strong and face all the dangers head on

"old me is gone now . I am in a new life. a life that gives me all the advantages that can give me to become the strongest . I will surely use all my strength to achieve my dream."

as Jin say this he took the boss room entry ticket and used it immediately . a blinding light come out of the ticket that surrounds him making him disappear


in the boss room a blinding light came at the entrance of the boss room . when light fades away Jin appears in that place . as soon as he enters the room he looks around to find the boss . he quickly noticed the huge undead creature that stood at the centre of the room .

// elite zombie level :15 //

seeing the level of the zombie boss in red colour he quickly understand that it won't be an easy fight . as he he thinks about the problems , zombie boss came running towards him in the substantial speed because of its massive size .


seeing the incoming fist of the zombie boss he quickly dodged the attack as he rolled over the floor . as he stabelise himself in the ground he quickly drowned his katana

see hole that meds on the wall because of the fist . when he sees that boss coming back to him he gear up his mind to formulate a plan soon . whe fist come down he dodged it in narrow distance and slashed his katana .

"puchi "

blood started coming out of the he wound that appears in zombie boss's chest . as Jin become happy that his attack worked he failed to see the another approaching fist that smashed over his abdomen .

"crack ....."

Jin send flying to the wall as a lot of blood come from his mouth . cracking sound can be heard as some of his bone were broken

" I never thought that a slight carelessness made me loose more than half of my HP . I should never do that again . "

as Jin thought that , pain assault him greatly as this is the most biggest wound he got after entering the dungeon . seeing that zombie boss coming towards him for another blow , Jin quickly avoid the fist . as he got up in his feet he sees that the arm of the zombie boss is trapped in the wall . seeing the chance Jin quickly draw his sward and aimed at his neck for a perfect hit . he jumped with all his strength and approached the zombie boss . as zombie boss was about to turn back Jin used all his strength to cleanly cut his head .


as blood splash over the floor , head of the zombie boss dropped down including Jin's katana which is broken along with that final slash .

// you have level up //*3

// you have cleared the dungeon //

when Jin heard familiar notification Jin was satisfied as his injuries become healed by status recovery

" that was an eye opener for me . my first Life and death battle . I have to become more strong and experienced to deal with such situation. I hope I will be able to do that in the future "

with eyes brimming with resolution and courage Jin promise himself that he will be more stronger and brave to face any dangers in the future .

like that was how our MC completed his first dungeon raid alone