chapter 6

it has already been nearly two years after he came in to the dxd world . .Jin have been hunting stray devil's, fallen angels and exorcist in the vicinity at a small rate as not to cause any suspicions . there was was small investigation with disappearance v of the strays but the ruler of Kouh town cleria belial did not put much effort in the investigation . and Jin was naturally happy with this out come . in these time period his level have already risen to a point to fight with a low mid rank devils. as level increases exp required for his level up also increased . looking at the sky Jin sighed as he thinks about his new life .

" it has been roughly two years . if not because of my school life I may have never believed that it's been that much time since I came here . "

in previous life Jin had a normal life although he was good in studies . but not like those top students who get good marks in all the exams and have various talents , but like average student who got passed all exams by studying for it just recent days. he always laze around reading novels manga and watching anime that he liked . although he likes them he have his own preference in them . he dreamt of becoming like his favourite characters and use cool powers . Jin woo was one of his favourite characters . although he don't have any worship to MC's of those anime he does love their abilities and their luck .

Jin school life with Irina and Issei was also going well. although Issei have started his prevented tendencies already in his young age . it is has not grown to the point that he ogle at any girl's breast , he already started his dream to become harem king through .

Jin's magic training also become more fruitful . he already has the ability to use some low level magic spells with his imagination . stronger spells need more mental energy which is used to cast spells . even if you have huge mp you should have appropriate mental energy to operate spells and mental energy is directly linked with intelligence.

today Jin was taking a stroll through the town . he usually does his nightly walks in a unregulated time intervals as not to Couse any suspicious . as he was walking he sensed some demonic energy in some distance . as Jin increased his senses status he got a good perception and Jin could sense energy and movements easily . seeing that a fight may have been occurring in that direction , Jin thought about quickly taking a peek . as he dicided he Rushed to the direction in which fight was occurring . when he reach the place he saw someone he knows before .

' touji San . what is doing . why is there a fight in middle of the night . other party seems to be a devil girl and a human exorcist. ' as I think about it I quickly got my answer as those were cleria and masomi . in dxd world they were both unfortunate people . they clearly love each other but by the plot of the higher ups they had to die . seeing that they were in critical situation Jin thought about what will he do to help them . but a notification appears in front of him

// notice : emergency quest : help cleria and masomi escape the from death

reward : sill book ( stealth ) , dungeon key

failure : cleria and masomi will die //

seeing the quest Jin become more determined to help them . stealth is an skill Jin-woo b

got in solo leveling . it is not a op skill but it still has it own uses in lower levels . and dungeon key is an important reward for him . Jin look at the the level of the people .

//cleria level : 72 //

// masomi level : 43//

// touji level : 48 //

seeing their level Jin couldn't help but twiching his lips .

' all their levels are above him . and situation is not looking very good .'

he stopped thinking and looks at the situation .

in the scene

touji " masomi what happened to you . why are you betraying us . I saw you as a brother . why did you leave us for this unholy devil woman "

masomi " I didn't do anything wrong touji San . I love cleria and I will do what I can do to protect her even if that is sacrifice my life for her "

hearing this cleria who is wounded critically couldn't help but warm .

touji " if you still keep on standing in our way we have no choice but to eliminate you with her masomi . "

seeing this Jin took a mask from his inventory and wear that on his face . seeing that there is no time to waste Jin put considerable amount of demonic energy in his hand and fired a fire spell in middle of them , as smoke covered the region Jin ran from his hiding space to the direction of cleria and masomi . he didn't wait for them to say anything told them to follow him. seeing that they are is no malicious intenton from the masked kid they both follow him quickly with all their speed . when the smoke was gone signs of both cleria and masomi were not to be found in that area .

touji ." quickly find them . we must not let them escape . "

the other exorcist already moved out in search for them In all the direction .

meanwhile Jin led both lovebirds to his home he had told them to his their energy signature on the way . after reaching home he led them to the secret room in the underground if his home he finds out during his house cleaning . the place is really special as it will hide all the energy signature . he used it for his training mainly .

he told them that they can stay here for time being and told them about the speciality of the room . when they heard about it they relaxed bit about the exorcist that may have looking for them .

cleria " thank you for helping us . we thought that it will be our last moment there . although I have a lot of questions to ask you , I won't be asking any of them for the time being . as you are our benefactor . my Belial family never forget a favour "

masomi " right . thank you for saving us . and taking us to a safe place to stay . we will never forget this favour ." seeing their honest reply Jin become embarrassed as this is the first time he come over such a situation .

" you guys don't have to worry . I don't have any malicious intension in helping you . I just happened to pass that way . I saw you both fighting . when I sensed energy fluctuations . I heard you saying that you will give up your life for saving this lady so I thought that you are a good guy so I helped you."

seeing that Jin was not lying the stopped their guard towards Jin .

after some talk Jin left some medical kit with them and let them heal their injuries on their on .

// you have completed your quest //

seeing that quest is clear he took a a look at his reward

// stealth : level 1

effect :keep you invisible to your enemies in the naked eye under a certain level //

// dungeon key tier 0 (A)

requirement: use Infront of the ggh building

effect : open a instant dungeon //

seeing the reward a small smile appear on Jin's face

" looks like the coming days won't be boring "

saying that Jin go back to his room waiting for a nice day tomorrow .