current status

iam changing the status part as it is whole troublesome to calculate his status as he grew in strength . so iam changing the parameters to mach the power system of dxd

//level 1 to 30 //

low class devil /4 winged fallen angel /angel

//level 31 to 60 //

mid class devil / 6 winged fallen angel / angel

//level 61 to 90//

high class devil / 8 winged fallen angel / angel /

// level 91 to 120 //

ultimate class devil / 10 winged fallen angel / angel / low level god

// level 121 to 150//

Satan class devil /12 winged fallen angel / angel / mid class god

// level 151 to 180//

super class devil / 14 winged fallen angel / angel / High class god

// level 181 to 210//

god king / heavenly dragon

// level 211 to 240//

dragon god / trihexa

Name:sung Jin-woo. Level :73

Class:None. Fatigue:0

Title: undead slayer Tier:0

Race: human

constitution : high class devil

magic : High class devil


cooking level 7

stealth level 4

sword mastery level 5

energy control level 6

longivity level max //