Business Exchanges Until Next Year

Jiang Wan smiled. "I'm not really his student. I just happened to have attended a few of Old Master Guan's classes."

"That's still very impressive. It's not easy to get a spot in his class!"

The man clicked his tongue and said, "Young lady, you're still so young. You'll definitely achieve great things in the future!"

Jiang Wan said politely, "Thank you for your praise."

Feng Wenshu recognized the man's identity.

His name was Wang Qingping. He was a famous pianist within the country and had won quite a few awards internationally. Not long ago, he had just been made a professor at the Royal Academy of Music in the United States. He was the second Chinese person to receive this title other than old Mr. Guan Hongshun.

Moreover, he was also a member of the music division in the National Arts Committee. He was often invited to be a judge of music competitions all over the country. It was naturally good to befriend such a person.