You Like Cyber-Bullying? Then Have a Taste of It

[I guessed correctly. You do have the capital and the backing. I can't stand these kinds of dirty tricks. I just made a few calls based on the information that someone else posted but nobody answered anyway. Just because of that, my phone has been receiving junk calls non-stop!

I have to know, is there a need to go so far? Do you have so much money that you have nowhere else to spend it? Why do you want to make things difficult for a small citizen like me? I will leave my words right here. I may be poor but I'm not afraid of rich bullies. I'll fight you!]

In the beginning, when one man posted this Weibo, no one responded. After all, it was a private account and he didn't have many followers. Once posted, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to stir up any ripples.

The man was not satisfied, so he deleted the first Weibo post and re-posted it with the title of the video again. The popularity of the post grew higher and higher and then...