You Want to Leave? It’s Too Late Now

The others: ???

Ding Jiaxu: ???

A question mark slowly appeared on top of his head.

Since when does Sugar Daddy go out and beat people up?

Was she such a violent person?

Not only was she intelligent, but she was also good at fighting?

Of course, he did not think that Jiang Yu was lying. It was normal for Sugar Daddy to do be able to do anything!

Jing Zhengyang's expression turned ugly for a moment, especially after he received the scrutinizing gazes from the others. He said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Then, are you going to try again?"

Jiang Yu's tone was full of threats.

Zhu Rongrong looked at Jing Zhengyang in disbelief. Was what this little girl said true?

Did she beat Brother Jing up?

Why did she beat Brother Jing to the ground? Did Brother Jing do something to her?