It Was Impossible That She Had Finished All the Questions

However, the other party, Jiang Yu, was unaware of what was happening

She was sitting in the exam room, taking the five-subject entrance examination. She had just finished filling out the paper, yawned, and was about to go to sleep.

The second round of the exam was about to start. If she went out, she would have to find a different place to sleep. Too troublesome. She might as well just sleep in the classroom.

Just as Jiang Yu was about to fall asleep, she was woken up by someone.

The invigilator was a young woman wearing square-rimmed glasses. Her hair was tied up and sat on top of her head. This made her look a little old.

The female teacher knocked on her desk and the expression on her face wasn't too good. "Either hand in your papers or get out. Don't disturb the other students here."

Jiang Yu had just been woken up and was a little sleepy. She blurted out, "But I didn't snore."