Changing Jiang Wan’s Guardian

Kong Tang was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Chenglang arriving at his office.

The last time Jiang Chenglang had contacted him was during the parent-teacher conference. At that time, Jiang Chenglang had come to attend the parent-teacher conference, but he went to Jiang Yu's classroom.

Later, Jiang Wan came back to class after her long leave of absence. Kong Tang wanted to contact Jiang Chenglang about the five-subject joint examination, but his call had been directly transferred to Jiang Chenglang's assistant's cell phone. It had truly been a long time since he had contacted Jiang Chenglang.

Therefore, Kong Tang was very surprised that Jiang Chenglang had appeared in person.

"Director Jiang, what brings you here?"

"Teacher Kong," Jiang Chenglang said without hesitation, "I'm here to talk to you about changing Jiang Wan's guardian."

Kong Tang was stunned.

"What... Change of guardian?"