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Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow. "I thought that you'd be anxious to ask me the results the moment I enter."

Jian Hanshen said calmly, "I've been through this too many times in the past few years that I've given up hope. In the end, I would just end up disappointed. It's better to be a little calmer. Besides, you will tell me anyway. What's there to be anxious about?"

Even though he said that one of his hands was on the armrest of the chair. He clenched the armrest tightly with his fingers, revealing a hint of nervousness.

Jiang Yu's gaze swept past the back of his tightly clenched hands, but she did not expose him.

She said, "I'm sure you've seen these films many times and are very familiar with them. I won't beat around the bush. Let's get straight to the point. I'll just let you know about our plan straightaway."

She briefly summarized the results of her discussion with Jiang Jingnian.