Today has been the oddest of days. Honestly, I've had this weird feeling for the duration of my stay in America. The feeling was akin to being watched. To give an instance have you ever had that dream where you walked into someplace only to realize that you were stripped to your undergarments? And every one of your fellow students were staring at your indecency?
That is alike to how I have been feeling throughout the duration of my outing.
Which is quite peculiar considering I was not at all famous in the America's. Though many do refer to me as a 'genius' of some kind for my achievements in the world of medicine, my popularity has never crossed the borders of my homeland. I have conveyed my worries to my closest confidants, and they had reassured me that there was a bountiful number of bodyguards, and that the chances of a person breaking into the establishment was close to null. Yet my heart is still burdened.
My friend from my years at the university had phoned me recently about a new discovery of an animal which emits fluid which can be used to cure Fatal Insomnia, a disease known to be incurable. My friend Dr. Heidi Sims is a certified sleep specialist, and she asked for my aid in this matter considering my proficiency in matters related to medicine, and my current spotless track record she presumed that I could help manufacture a cure. Which is why I had flown from England to see if I could be of any help in that matter.
A voice suddenly brought me out of my thought process, I turned to see my two colleagues, Dr. Saffron Morris, and Dr. Rayne Anderson they were waving their hands in front of my face with worried expressions.
"Lost in your little world again Mal?" Rayne said with a small frown on his face
" Apologies Rai." I said while I looked towards them. " I'm just a trifle worried about the procedure"
Saffron smiled in a failed attempt to ease my nerves, While Rayne rolled his eyes, he was never fond of my proper way of speaking saying it was 'nerdy' which was quite odd since he was also a very accomplished doctor quite well known for his groundbreaking research. (Which would technically label him as a nerd.)
" Sheesh, honestly how can you be black but still talk like that? That's so weird" Rayne said while casually putting his two hands to the Back of his head.
" My dearest confident Rai, you cannot blame me for your parent's failure to teach you grammar. " I replied mirroring his previous actions which rewarded me with a snort, and yet another eyeroll.
" Ah look at that. The brat has a sense of humor, who would've thought?" Rayne smiled
" Well, you Americans only dumped our tea, not our sense of humor" I smiled going with Raine's attempt to distract me from the matter at hand.
"Oh, your posh poshyness, real proud of that one ain't chu" Rai says while sporting his usual schadenfreude grin imitating me with a faux accent. " Well, I gotta bunch were that came from."
" If it came from the depths of that puny thing, you seem to refer to as your brain, then I'm not sure If I want to." I continued pretending to be distraught " I'm not quite sure if your lack of intelligence is a contagious disease."
"pfft" Safron laughter rang out causing Rayne to give her a swift glare before laying his brown eyes on my grey ones and attempting to grasp his last bit of intelligence to formulate a credible counterargument to soothe the sore blow to his already damaged ego.
"I'll give props to you on that one at least God gave you intelligence, because with your barely passable face and your short stature your brain is the only thing you really got going for you, isn't it?" Rai proclaimed seeming quite happy with himself. Aah, it seems his really pushed his brain pass his limit to be able to think of something so close to actual intelligence what a marvelous feat.
"Honestly, I'm quite surprised I didn't think your two braincells could formulate such a comeback that can almost be described as intelligent." I uttered with faked awe, making Rai's face fall faster than my self-esteem after an hour of scrolling through social media sites.
Saffron burst out into laughter which was soon followed by Heidi's delightful small giggles as she entered the room. It was always an honor to make the ever-serious Heidi laugh, her spits of laughter were always rare but treasured occasions in our small little bubble of friendship. Heidi needs to laugh more especially in this period of time, for she has been stressed quite stressed throughout the entirety of the observational period. Laughing can increase dopamine levels which can help lower stress levels. Though it is a pity that I had to sacrifice Rai's ego in order to complete this task. I can feel his furious glare digging into my cranium.
"Though I enjoy our banters, it seems that we must begin." I said glancing at Heidi ignoring Rai's perceivable anger.
" Just as I was about to win too." Rai mumbled, a small groan slipping out of his mouth.
"Careful Rai delusions are not a good look on you." I responded giving Raine a smile I knew irked him.
Rai looked at me looking quite peeved and rightly so for I might have gone a bit too far in our little battle of linguistics. Though I have never been one to as the Americans often say, "Hold my punches." I'm brought away from my mind palace by the sound of Heidi's voice.
"Oh yes! would you like to do the honors Dr. Morris." Heidi Answered giving Safron a small smile.
"Right now?" Safron asked her tone of voice spiked, leading me to assume that she was surprised. Heidi gave a small hum of confirmation which prompted Safron to start her little speech as we walked towards the other room.
" Well, the method used to take the samples are not going to harm the animal in the slightest" Safron starts to explain, going on to talk of how we were going to get the sample. Safron worked with animals and knew more about the amphibian then the rest of us, the reason she was invited was to figure out a way to extract the chemical without endangering the creature.
We all prepped for the experiment washing our hands, putting on gloves, and masks. Rai seemed to have lulled his anger and was making small talk with Heidi, and Safron. Rai came up to me holding his fist out.
"We cool?" Rai questioned with a blank expression on his face.
" Yes, I am in standard temperature" I responded knocking his fist with mine while pushing up my glasses in what Rai would call a 'nerdy' fashion.
" Thats not what I meant," Rai says frowning
" I am aware," I smiled brightly at his annoyed expression.
Rai looked at me rolled his eyes and gave me a small smile.
" Are you guys just going to stare at each other, or are we going to do some work?" Heidi asked interrupting our male bonding moment.
"Oh, come on Heid's you ruined the moment!" Rai exclaimed with an exasperated look on his face. " You can't interrupt a bro bonding moment it's like a law."
" Hes right Heid's Friendship laws are a very pressing matter." I added playing along with a serious expression evident on my face.
Heidi rolled her eyes walking out of the room, we followed her into the room ready to begin.