City Times [ Part 1 ]

Breton had offered to let them stay at his place, but Emre and Idris rejected the offer. They would rather stay with their party at a tavern. Plus Emre wanted to sightsee. With such a large city there were bound to be many things that Emre had never experienced before.

They left alongside Elayna and Raina to find their party members. The carriage driver greeted them outside as they all readied themselves to leave. They went back through the long winding road following after the carriage so that they could put their horses somewhere while they were staying.

He was wondering why the two ladies wouldn't be staying, but he didn't find the chance to ask why. They both kept themselves inside the carriage for most of the ride before Elayna finally popped her head out the back.

She had a smile on her face as if she hadn't just been told about the potential of a future war.

"So… I know you said you wouldn't elaborate…" She began. "But, just what makes the Paladin of Tirian bow so deeply to you?"

Emre couldn't help but chuckle. "If you know that, why are you asking?" His tone was lighthearted.

"Well! It's just that you both don't really seem like you aren't humans. And if the Paladin is bowing to you and calling you a holy being, it really leaves the mind to wander y'know?"

She was making sure to keep her voice quiet but Emre couldn't help but hold back a sigh at her words.

"There are some secrets that are meant to be kept."

"A holy being…" Elayna looked like she was pondering the possibilities. "Wait! Even if he called you a holy being, are you actually? Or is it just because you can use radiant magic?"

He considered the definition of a holy being. At first, he assumed it was because he was just because he was a radiant dragon… But he was also Tirian's Angel. He wasn't just a radiant dragon, he was an angel. An angel was a messenger of sorts for a God, right? But wouldn't this just be the same type of job that a High Priest had given that they could hear their Gods?

The title Tirian's Angel also specified that it was a title that the 'child' of Tirian had. Maybe his suspicions of him actually being her kid was true? If she created this body with her own hands, this would technically be true. Maybe the voice could solve his suspicions if he asked with the right words?

Making sure he wasn't telepathically connected to Idris, he spoke to the voice.

'Voice, who is Tirian's son?'

Using son instead of child might specify that he was asking for a person rather than the theoretical, everyone is the child of God type thing that they had going on on Earth.

[ Answer, Emre ]

Damn. Of course.

So he wasn't just an angel, he was Tirian's son. Why couldn't she have had a normal kid? Someone who was actually born into the world without memories of a past life. And why him? He had just been a good-for-nothing on Earth. He wasn't special!

After Elayna's question, Emre had grown quiet as he thought. Idris also looked toward him with an inquiring look. While Idris knew he was different from other dragons and knew his scales could fight off corruption, he had never thought of Emre to be a holy being and had assumed it was because of his radiant magic.

Emre's silence however sent an uneasy feeling in his chest. Being a dragon was one thing, but a holy being? Then Emre let out a laugh and met his eyes with Elayna's.

"Did I trick you?" He asked.

"Eh??" She was surprised.

"I'm quite the convincing actor if I do say so myself!" Emre boasted. "I totally made you think I was thinking about it."

"What!?" Her face turned into a pout. "But he called you a holy being!"

"Probably just because my radiant magic compared to his is way better. His single holy ability doesn't really amount to what I can do. Of course I would seem like a higher being in front of him." He was lying through his teeth.

Since he was talking directly to Elayna, it seemed he had found a loophole in his and Idris's oath. He felt bad about it, but for now, it would have to do. There wasn't any way he was going to let her assume anything.

Seeming to convince her, she pulled back into the carriage with a small scoff. Emre didn't really mind that he might have offended her. She was the last of his worries. His main problem was Idris.

Turning to look at him, Idris's face still held a questioning look. It seemed he wasn't as convinced as she had been.

'That was a lie, right?' Idris asked.

Emre looked away. 'We'll talk about it later…'

Now was not the time or place to talk about his origins. Especially since the road was becoming busier. They would arrive at the stables soon. It was time to look around and be awed! The city had too much excitement and he refused to let the complexities of himself disturb this new experience.

Idris seemed reluctant to let go of the subject but their arrival at the stables stopped him from prying. Successfully stabling their horses, it was time to go and find out where everyone else was.

"Ah!" Elayna exclaimed as she noticed someone walking toward them.

It was one of the mercenaries. He was coming toward the stables as he waved to them.

"Young Miss! Miss Raina! We have found a fitting tavern with enough rooms for everyone." He informed them.

"Thank you for coming to get us." Elayna smiled like a dignified lady.

A visible bout of rosy color graced the mercenaries face as he gave the back of his head a small scratch.

"Of course, Young Miss." He responded meekly.

"Lead the way." Raina injected herself into the interaction.

"Ah, yes." The mercenary quickly bowed and began to lead them further into the city.

Emre was finally able to look around without worrying. The sound of horse hooves and wagon wheels moved along the cobblestone roads. There was chatter in every direction. They were heading toward the middle of the fork where storefronts and outer stalls dominated.

People were selling fruits, meat, breads, and even candies. There was a distinct smell of food covering the air that it was hard to tell anything apart. People passed by them with no issue. Emre could see elves, humans, and even people with animal ears upon their heads and tails of all types.

Some of the storefronts had clothing, there were a few small food places along with what seemed to be a knick-knack store. Children were coming and going from that store in particular holding up the toys their parents had reluctantly bought them.

Although most of the buildings were made of stone and wood, each had its own distinct signs, colors, and banners that made everything here seem a bit festive. Compared to Palun Village, the village they had traveled from, everything here felt like an exciting adventure to him.

It took a moment, but the wide road opened up into one giant plaza in the middle. There was a large fountain in the middle. People were all mingling and moving all around it. There were adventurers and locals, and even entertainers playing loud music or pulling stunts.

"Is there a festival going on?" He decided to ask Elayna.

"Nope! This city is always like this." She answered happily.

How was this not exhausting on the minds of the people here? Everyone seemed relatively happy and normal around the bustle. One building, in particular, was massive, the doors were open wide as people came and went. Most everyone who entered looked like equipped adventurers.

Another large building was next to it, also seeing a constant flow of people coming and going. He could see one of the mercenaries of their party standing outside as they passed through the crowds to arrive there.

The building was a towering height and Emre could see through the wide-open doors that there was a bar in the very back, with a foyer-like area covered in tables. One staircase led up to the second floor which contained even more tables, a balcony overhanging the bar.

It must have been the tavern the mercenary mentioned because Emre could see everyone from his and Idris's party enjoying some drinks at one of the middle tables. They seemed to be getting along well with the mercenaries and some other adventurers that seemed to have just left them.

After being greeted by the mercenary at the door, he led them all in toward the table. Emre waved as Ragan noticed them first. He could see Ragan's cheeks were already faintly rosy due to the mug of alcohol that he was casually holding. A grin appeared on the old man's face.

"Oi! Emre! This tavern has great beer!" He called.

Emre wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Shaking his head he took the mug from his hand and gave the drink a quick whiff. He made a small face and Ragan burst out laughing. Ragan then snatched the mug back.

"Go get your own!"

"It seems you brought our boys back in one piece, Young Miss!" Gerrar stated, gesturing with his own mug toward him and Idris.

"Oh come on, I said it was nothing bad." Elayna laughed back.

'No, just annoying.' He thought as he gave his eyes a roll and looked specifically for a spot with two open chairs so that he and Idris could sit down. Conin seemed to notice this and switched spots from one side of Gerrar to the other so he was sitting in between Gerrar and Killan.

Emre gave him an appreciative smile and the two dragons sat down among their friends.

"So what did you end up doing?" Gerrar asked, leaning in with a hushed voice among all the loudness.

"We'll tell everyone about it later." Emre responded lightheartedly.

Gerrar got the hint that it was not something to be talked about in a public place, but it also wasn't anything bad due to Emre's light tone. Nodding, he went back to drinking as Emre looked at Killan.

"Do we still have to buy rooms for tonight?" He asked through the noise.

"Nah, I used party funds to get us all rooms. You and Idris are sharing." He then rummaged in his pocket and tossed over a key.

"Ah, alright." Emre caught it easily and put it somewhere he knew he wouldn't lose it after checking the room number on the paper tab tied to it.

A barmaid arrived near them as she was sweeping through and noticed the newbies, asking if they wanted anything. Emre and Idris both ordered meals and simple juices over alcohol. The meals were big and hardy and it filled him up to the point that he felt he would burst.

"It's unfortunate that we're only going to be here for a night." Gerrar sighed out as he sloshed the liquid in his mug around.

"Mm… I know just the right place to go then." Ragan said with a small hiccup.

"Oh?" Everyone honed in on what he had to say.

"Ah, but it's a place of night wonders.~ You noble ladies shouldn't go." He added with a chuckle.

Raina's face scrunched in disgust and Elayna eagerly shook her head. They both immediately realized that he was talking about a brothel. Elayna was engaged so for her it was simply out of question, and Raina also seemed unhappy about the mention. Nalia's brows also furrowed at the thought.

The mercenaries on the other hand seemed excited at the aspect. Gerrar and Conin exchanged an unreadable glance with one another, and Emre couldn't help but feel his hands begin to sweat. He hadn't even considered the idea of something like that in this world.

He found himself glancing toward Idris to see his reaction, and their eyes met. Idris just had his usual look of indifference.

"Do you want to go?" Idris asked nonchalantly.

"Eh?" For some reason, Emre felt his ears beginning to warm as he looked away. "Ha, I don't know about that."

"Idris, do you even know what a place of night wonders is?" Ragan asked with a snicker.


"Hm? Not really?"

Ragan burst out laughing and many of the people at the table also chuckled or seemed surprised.

"It's where lovely ladies or men can accompany you to bed if you know what I mean.~ Or you can go there to escape with a lover."

Idris's lips pressed together as he realized his mistake. His stoic appearance wavered and he cleared his throat as he took a sip of his juice.

"I see." He muttered out.

"Hey! I mean you can still go there for entertainment and drinks! In my opinion drinks at brothels taste better." Ragan explained further. "You and Emre can come just for the experience."

"I think it'll be fun." Gerrar agreed with a nod.

Emre wasn't a stranger to these types of places contrary to what everyone believed. He had at least a bit of a party life in his old world. His ears had cooled down and he gave a small nod. He was sure it would be a bit fun even despite the location. Plus… he was actually interested in how Idris would react.

Idris, noticing Emre's nod couldn't help but nod as well. Humans were strange creatures that would have something like this… Most dragons were single for their entire lives and did not become mates unless they had an extremely trustworthy relationship. Courting as a dragon could even last years before the other would even allow their partner to eat and sleep in the same areas.

This is also why it was so rare for dragons to have children, not to mention that their fertility was naturally low in order to keep world balance. If they were able to have eggs easily, the world would be overrun with powerful dragons. There would also undoubtedly be even more conflict among them.

Idris would just have to see how this all played out in the end. Emre on the other hand was wondering if it would be much different from a strip club. Probably… Well, he would find out it seemed.