The Capital

The next morning Emre had a small headache, realizing that he had drunk more than he had intended. Given that the drink was supposedly weak, he hadn't paid enough attention. Luckily, the headache didn't bother him too much seeing as how he had to deal with this before when making the mistake of drinking too much when he knew he would have class the next morning in his past life.

Idris had woken up before him and was already back in his armor and ready to go. Emre quickly started to get ready as well. He didn't know when Breton and Aldrich were going to meet them but he figured it would be early if they wanted to get to the capital in time.

"You could have woken me up earlier." Emre said in a complaintive tone.

"I tried." Idris retorted. "You slept like a brick."

Emre sighed in resignation as he shoved on his boots and made sure all his buckles were sorted. Idris had been waiting at the door and when Emre seemed ready, opened it up.

The two of them headed down the long stairs toward the bottom floor where they were likely to meet everyone else. Elayna had informed everyone last night in passing that they were going to be traveling the rest of the way with her father so it was inevitable that they would get up especially early out of fear of seeming incompetent.

Elayna was kind and didn't flaunt her nobility so the mercenaries felt quite normal and like they could be themselves in front of her. But in the face of her father, a Count, they didn't want to make any wrong moves before him.

For now, everyone seemed only a bit anxious as they ate breakfast at the same table they had been at before. Some were a bit hungover from the events of the other night but everyone but him and Idris was present already.

Ragan looked miserable as he sipped on a glass of water. Emre almost wanted to laugh but thought better of it. Such was the consequence of drinking too much alcohol. Aside from some of the mercenaries, everyone else was relatively okay and in high spirits as they chowed down.

"Oh trust me, don't bother trying to suck up. He's going to think lowly of you regardless." Elayna scoffed.

Emre could only assume that she was talking about her father as they sat down in their own seats and quickly got something to order as a barmaid rushed over to tend to them.

"Elayna, he would cough blood if he heard you say that." Raina said with a sigh. "He isn't actually as bad as she says he is."

"Hey, whose side are you on!"

"Justices side."

They dove into their own personal squabble as Ragan looked toward him with his miserable-looking face.

"Looks like you slept well." He stated.

"Well unlike you I didn't down several beers before we even got there and then proceed to drink more." Emre responded nonchalantly.

"Every time I ask myself if it's worth it." He spoke with a woe-is-me tone.

Emre rolled his eyes as breakfast was served. It didn't take long for them to eat and to start getting ready to go to the stables. They would be meeting the two nobles there to make sure they were all stocked up for the next few days of travel.

Exiting the tavern the city plaza was once more chock full of energy and excitement. They walked past the bustle into the shopping street. Despite having just eaten the rich smells only made him hungry again as he eyed each and every stall they passed by. Especially one that seemed to be selling sweets.

"Do you want some?" Idris asked, seeming to have noticed Emre's fervent gaze.

"Mm… I don't have any money." He mumbled back, knowing that he was fully relying on Ragan for things.

"It's fine. Let's get something."

He and Idris ended up branching away from the group quickly as they approached the stall that was full of sweets. There were candies and warm pastries set out with all types of flavors and textures. He didn't know why he thought Idris didn't have any money, but he was wrong as Idris pulled a money pouch out of nowhere.

"Hello! Pick anything you'd like! Our pastries are fresh this morning and our candies are good quality!" The man behind the stall spoke.

Emre scanned the selection and ended up just getting two pastries since he knew his stomach was too full for more and he didn't want to get left behind by the group that was still continuing through the road. Idris paid just a few coppers for it and they went on their way.

"Thank you." Emre said with a smile.

Idris shrugged as Emre put one of the pastries in front of him.

"You should try one at least." Emre said as he immediately started to eat the other one in his hand.

Idris looked at the sweet-smelling warm dough before taking it from Emre. It was circular with a reddish blue fruit paste in the middle. Taking a bite, he made a small face.

"Is it good?" Emre asked, the first pastry was already gone.

"Mm…" Idris didn't quite answer.

"Do you want me to have the rest?" Emre laughed, reading his screwed-up expression.


Idris easily passed it back over and Emre happily gobbled the rest of it down as they caught up to the rest of the group. Emre noted that Idris seemed to dislike the blueberry flavoring and shoved it to the back of his head for later.

When they arrived at the stables Emre could already see two fancy-looking carriages surrounded by guards. They were both white with blue and gold trim and Emre couldn't help but sigh. People were looking at them whispering and talking about the two nobles who were currently talking to a stablehand.

When they noticed the large group of adventurers and mercenaries with Elayna and Raina heading it, they dismissed the stablehand who hurried off to go do what they had told him. Aldrich smiled and greeted his daughter, ignoring everyone else behind them.

Breton also greeted his daughter, but his eyes discreetly scanned the group until they landed on Emre and Idris in which he could only give them a small nod rather than a bow as to not alarm everyone else.

"Father, didn't I say a lowkey trip was best?" Elayna asked with an exasperated voice.

"And I told you that we had to be proud so that no one messed with us." Aldrich responded. "Besides, with our guards and all the people behind you, we'll be perfectly fine."

"I suppose." She could only accept the circumstances.

In the end, the decision for the trip was that the nobles would sit in the carriages while the guards and everyone else moved beside them. The guards were placed closest to the carriages, the mercenaries were on the outskirts while the adventurers were placed in front, between, and in the back.

Emre and Idris ended up in between the carriages, Ragan and Killan were in the front while Gerrar, Conin, and Nalia took up the back. They set out straight away after confirming their supplies and positions and began to head toward the northern gate of the city. They went along the wall until they were let through the gate with no issues.

It would take another three days of travel to arrive at the capital. Given their sheer force of people and how close they were to the capital, the danger of bandits was nonexistent and any large beasts didn't show themselves.

The farther north they went, the trees became less and less dense. The land was cold and the landscape became tundra-like. It was rocky and hilly with their primary cover being large outcroppings that they could camp under to avoid the chill. At night they had to bundle up in their blankets to combat the cold.

Idris further complained about human bodies and Emre was also becoming fed up with how hard it was becoming to relax at night. Luckily, on their third night, everyone was just hopeful that they would be able to sleep in warm beds once they arrived in the city.

Breton and Aldrich avoided talking to him and Idris per his request so that it didn't seem weird to the guards or mercenaries. On the first night, Emre had conveyed their plans through telepathy to all of their party members so everyone was caught up.

Killan seemed pressed about not being able to join in the meeting with the High Priests and Paladins but didn't whine about it. High Priests and Paladins were treated with high respect and they were even able to walk on par with Kings and Queens so he had no other choice but to accept it anyway.

Emre wasn't sure how the meeting would go. Not only would they be breaking the rules by being there in the first place, but they would be revealing the fact that they were dragons as well as users of radiant and shadow magic. Their entire beings trumped even the High Priests and Paladins so it was hard to figure out how things would turn out.

Plus Emre would finally be able to talk to Tirian. He would finally be able to ask all of the questions that have been bouncing around in his head since he first arrived in this world. Maybe he would finally be able to get some peace of mind. But then again that was unlikely given that a war was on the horizon.

Finally, on the third day of travel, Emre could see changes. The road was more active and there were caravans coming and going. They all stepped aside for the nobles coming through, however. It seemed they were very close to the capital.

Emre could see as a speck that had been on the horizon slowly started to grow larger and larger as they neared. At first, he thought it was just a mountain. Then he noticed walls snaked around the massive area in which a city itself laid. The land rose up in the middle of the enclosed area, hitting the peak at the center. Emre could see the giant spires at the top even from here.

Hundreds of buildings and houses dotted the entire mountain and he knew there were more given that there was still a wall covering any buildings that would be on ground level. Even outside the main wall, there were buildings and farms surrounding the entire area. Everything was open to see so any enemies would have a very hard time sneaking up without being caught.

There were guards and armored men patrolling along the road who saluted the passing nobles. They became more abundant the closer they came to the mountain and Emre realized they were actively showing off their military force here and there. Not that the mountain of a city wasn't already intimidating already.

Emre was in awe of the vision as the buildings on the mountainside and the palace at the very top of the mountain became closer and closer. It was a truly stunning visual that he would never be able to see in real life. In the afternoon sun, the palace was beaming in white and he couldn't fathom how large it actually was up close.

The wall in front of them was even larger than the one that the other city had. There were towers going around the entire length and Emre could see a massive open gate with giant crowds of people. The sheer size of everything about this city made his heart pound in his chest.

Fortunately, they were let through with ease as the noble carriage was recognized and let through the crowds as people turned to look. People were excited as they chatted about who might be in the two carriages and Emre felt like curling up away from the eyes of hundreds of people.

So much for being discreet. Idris also looked a bit uncomfortable but at least they went through without little trouble. The guards didn't question them because they were escorting the nobles.

Passing under the massive gate, Emre gazed into the city. There were so many sounds, smells, colors, and everything seemed so immense. It was more lively than anything he'd ever seen. Ragan and Killan ended up pulling back for the guards to lead the rest of the way given that they were unsure where exactly to go.

Going through the congestion of the streets, Emre realized that they were slowly making their way up the mountain. They went higher and higher, passing by hundreds of houses and stores. Slowly they finally came to a point where the road was closed off to the public. Going further up, the path was confusing and snaking but all the houses they passed looked terribly expensive.

Each house was its own mansion with gardens and all. Ultimately they arrived at a house that looked very similar to Breton's other house, only larger. They all dismounted their horses but waited as the nobles turned toward them.

"Thank you all for your hard work in protecting my daughter! My guards will escort all of you mercenaries to the tavern of your choice. We will pay for your first night of lodging and pay you for the work." Aldrich addressed them.

The guards got quick to work and began to escort the mercenaries away after they all bid each other goodbye. When it was just Emre's group and the nobles, Breton turned to Emre.

"This is my home here in the capital. Your party is welcome to reside here for as long as you need." He started. "You will each have your own rooms and my servants will tend to you. You will be able to go where you wish as long as it's not somewhere that is obviously off-limits."

The party seemed somewhat surprised at this development but all nodded in the end. The chance to stay in a place like this being tended to by servants? They would not dare pass up the chance of being able to experience it at least once.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Ragan stated first.

"Of course! We can have your horses taken to our private stables and my servants can get you all settled in." Breton said with a smile.

Walking up to the house, servants were outside waiting and bowing as they all entered. Breton stopped at one very distinguished-looking butler.

"Please assign our best servants to this group of people and help them get settled in. You know what to do." Breton said with a smile.

"Of course, My Lord." The butler bowed and beckoned over several servants.

It all felt like a blur as they were escorted through the giant building. At one point Emre and Idris were separated from the rest as they were taken to their respective rooms. From what Emre could see, they were brought to a more lavish area compared to the others. Were these servants treating them better than the others?

The only way Emre could imagine that the servants got specific different orders was if they had already prepared for this beforehand. Emre could only hold back a sigh at the thought. He didn't feel that this was necessary even if he and Idris were quote-on-quote special.

For now, he felt he just needed to get in the right headspace. Everything that happened this day felt like it had zoomed past without even being able to get any solid details.