Forgotten Duty

Thorgrim's serious facial expression wavered. In even more alarm than he was before, he glanced toward Breton and Ragan. Due to their demeanor, he knew he had not heard wrong. Dragons… huh.

Taking in an inhale, he gave a slow nod. "I believe I understand now how serious this situation is." He stated.

"We have reason to believe that they are coming from the Dead Lands. We recommend placing your troops appropriately." Idris said.

"I will do so," Thorgrim responded with narrowed eyes. "But how do you two come into the fray?"

"We will be fighting the dark creatures on a different front. We trust you'll be able to handle the Gaia Kingdom without our help." Idris answered with raised brows.

The Commander snorted and crossed his arms. "Of course I will."

"Good, then we have nothing to worry about."

When Breton thought he would finally get the chance to say something, he was wrong once more.

"Why are you two helping humans? Aren't you dragons supposed to be self-centered?" Thorgrim's curiosity got the better of him.

Emre, having heard this question enough times let out a sigh. "We aren't just doing this to help humans. The world is in danger and humans just so happen to be a part of the world."

Although he was putting up a bit of an arrogant front, he wasn't really lying. He wanted to help humans due to his own selfishness and his own personal links to humans. Even so, it wasn't just humans who were in danger, it was everyone, including himself.

"Hmph, well, I'll handle protecting this Kingdom just fine," Thorgrim responded before putting aside his pride a bit. "But thank you for informing me of the true circumstances."

"It's no problem." Emre waved his hand and looked at Breton. "Then, if that is that, you have something else to talk about. Do you need us to be present?"

Emre had no interest in small talk when a decision was already made. Thorgrim understood what he had to do so there was no need for him and Idris to stick around.

Breton shook his head. "No."

"Then, we'll head out and take a look at the training while you two talk." Emre turned to Thorgrim. "As long as that is fine with you."

He waved his hand in dismissal. "Go ahead."

Emre nodded and the three others then Breton turned and left. Emre knew Breton would be staying here in the Gaia Kingdom to help so he was likely just going to be working that out with the Commander. He didn't want to listen to the boring talk and wanted to check out how soldiers were trained.

One of the guards from before was leading the way, the other staying behind. The guard seemed stiffer and on edge now knowing the two strangers' identities and seemed to be trying their best to appear like a good soldier. Emre paid no mind to it as they walked out of the damp building.

He squinted as the sunlight shined down on them and took a second for his eyes to adjust to the sudden change of lighting. As his vision clarified he looked around the loud training grounds, noting where different stations were.

In the end, they were led toward the rest of their group that was currently watching over the one-on-one sparring. The perceptive Conin looked toward them and waved with a smile appearing under his hood.

"Did you get things worked out?" He asked.

"Yep. Breton is talking with him about additional stuff so I wanted to come and take a look as well. We should be fine to leave without worry tomorrow." Emre responded.

"That's good," Conin responded before pointing toward a specific pair that were sparring. "We've been keeping our eyes on those two. They seem to be pretty good."

Emre naturally looked toward them. One was a lithe-looking woman with brown hair tied into a ponytail. The other was a larger man with a buzz cut not too dissimilar to Gerrar's. They were trading hard blows, well focused, and actually seemed to be out to force the other to back down.

It looked less like a simple spar and more like a competition. The person watching over the sparring seemed to pay no mind to it, however, leading Emre to believe that perhaps this was a norm. No magic was being used, it was just a hard swordfight, one trying to trump the other through skill itself.

Emre paid attention to each of their moves and footwork, trying to drill how they were moving into his mind so that he could use it to his benefit in his own training. The past few days they were unable to do much sword-fighting nor was Emre even able to strengthen his core.

Given that the rest of the day was open for them to do as they pleased, Emre decided that he would try and get to the third layer today. With that in mind, he only watched the spar with them for a bit longer to memorize the movements the soldiers were making before turning to Idris.

'While we have the time I want to get my core to the third layer.' He informed him.

'We should leave early then.' Idris said with a nod.

Emre smiled and turned back to the group on his other side. "Idris and I are going to head back early. If you learn anything new or exciting let us know."

They said their quick goodbyes and were led by another guard back toward the gateway. Taking some of Breton's many guards, they went on their way back toward the house. Going through the city, there was always going to be a place where the poor resided.

Emre had noticed that along the walls of the city is where the poorest reside. This made sense in times of war but it still caused a sour feeling inside him. He could hear the squalling of babies and coughing as they passed through one such area. Living conditions here compared to on the mountain was nothing.

People barely had the energy here to take a look at the fancily dressed men being escorted by guards. At least most… Then there were others like her. Emre only noticed in the corner of his eye a woman with matted and messy black hair staring straight up at him.

Wearing little more than ragged and ripped cloth for clothing, she barged through the guards with little regard for her life, almost being stepped on by the horses. Emre flinched in surprise as her shrill voice screeched up at him.

"I have no money! My son is sick! Noble! L-lord! Plea—" She was cut off as the guard she shoved through hopped down from his horse and grabbed her.

"That's enough lady!" He barked, yanking her back and away.

"Wait," Emre commanded.

The guard stopped immediately and the woman who had been struggling stopped to stare at him with wide frantic eyes. Emre looked down at her with a serious expression.

'Emre?' Idris's voice entered his head.

'I think I had forgotten until just now... I've never only just been a fighter.'

"Explain to me what's going on," Emre told her.

Idris's brows raised as he understood what Emre meant. The woman took in a shocked breath as if she didn't know she would be able to get this far. Her brown eyes bore into him, shining with hope.

"My son is sick." Her haggard voice cracked. "I don't have the money to afford a physician. Please! Lord, please help me!" She begged him, clasping her hands together.

Idris's brows lifted as Emre casually dismounted. The guard looked uneasy and kept his grip on the woman in case she lunged at him. Walking up, he gently removed the guard's hands and pulled the woman back onto her feet.

The woman's breath caught in her throat as she looked up at the beautiful white-haired man standing right before her as if he were a God himself. The guard looked hesitant and Emre shook his head at him.

"What are you worried about? A woman with sticks for bones isn't a threat." Emre said gently. "Now," he looked down at her. "Can you lead me to your son?"

The woman disregarded the insult as he asked to see her son. With a frantic nod, she grasped his wrist with her weak, bony hands and began pulling him further into the slums. Idris had also dismounted at this point and swiftly followed after ordering the guards to watch the horses on the side of the road.

One guard followed after him and they easily caught up to Emre being dragged through the dirty walkways of this area.

'It could be a trap.' Idris mentioned lightly.

'Even if it is, I'm not worried. If this woman is telling the truth though, I'll be able to save a life.' Emre responded.

Idris smiled for but a second before his brows furrowed with worry. Emre would be the only person he knew to do something like this. Regardless if someone was rich or poor, he would still want to help them. In a way, he worried Emre might get himself into an undesirable situation in the future because of it. He would just have to keep his eyes on him and make sure nothing hurt him.

Soon enough they turned another corner in this maze of alleyways and broken buildings. She stopped in front of an especially run-down tiny hut with the door barely hanging onto its hinges. With a quick few breaths, Emre watched and waited as she forced herself to calm down before putting a small smile on her face.

Emre felt his heart pang at the type of struggles people go through to protect their children. Opening the creaky door, the scent of dirt and sickness met his nose immediately. He ignored the queasy feeling in his stomach and entered at the woman's pull.

Activating his detection, he found the weak life force of the child. While every being contained mana, normal people who couldn't use magic always had a certain amount of it. From what Emre could see from this kid had a severely diminishing mana pool… in other words, he was indeed dying.

A single candle was weakly burning, sending a faint source of light to cast upon the pale and sunken face of a child that looked just younger than seven. He was laying on a few blankets with no bed or furniture in sight. The woman led him up to the boy quickly.

Idris told the guard to wait outside before following after. His nose scrunched in disgust as the smell invaded his nose. Any thoughts of disgust and judgment that were about to flood into his head drifted away as he watched the bright Emre gently lower himself in front of the boy with only a look of concern and sadness.

He found himself unable to approach at seeing the appearance of the kid. He had always thought of humans as selfish and greedy creatures at first… During these past few weeks, those thoughts had been diminishing. Seeing a human child suffering to breathe and starving so much that his skin stuck to his bones, Idris just wanted to find the people who caused things like this and beat them into the dirt.

But he knew that it was simply impossible. Unless he wanted to kill the King and take over the throne there was little he, himself, could do for these struggling people. Right now he could only watch what Emre could do with furrowed brows.

"S-see! My son is sick, I need money… Please, Lord, can you help?" The woman asked although as gently as her frantic self could.

"I'm not a Lord… nor a Noble at all," Emre stated.

"B-but—!" She seemed to panic as she stuttered over her words.

"But," Emre's voice overpowered her own. "I will heal him as long as you keep it to yourself."

"Y-you will?"

"If you promise not to tell anyone."

It would be inconvenient if people of the slums went feverishly searching for him to heal their families if he was going to be leaving tomorrow. He wouldn't be able to help them so he might as well do what he can for this boy while he can.

"I-I promise!" She stated eagerly.

"Alright." Emre nodded before setting his eyes back on the child.

Even if he healed the kid there was no guarantee he would survive these harsh conditions afterward. But… there was no harm in at least trying to set him onto the path of survival. With a silent sigh, he closed his eyes and focused on his magic.

Sitting crisscrossed on the floor with little regard if he got dirty, he cupped his hands in front of him. Letting out a long exhale, he started to use his skill, Healing Pool. Slowly, he felt his palms dampen as a trickle of golden liquid filled them seemingly from nowhere.

With Emre's back to him, Idris could only see the area in front of Emre brighten. Opening his eyes, Emre looked at the watered-down, golden liquid pooled in his palms. Carefully, he unfolded his legs and leaned down, placing his hands at the boy's dry lips. Tilting his hands up, the medicine slowly flowed into his mouth.

The kid unconsciously swallowed and Emre made sure he had drunk it all without choking on it before sitting back. They waited in silence for a minute as his pale skin became warmer in color and his breathing settled.

[ Healed a Human, gained 1000 experience ]

"It's a miracle…" The woman eventually breathed, looking to Emre with tears in her eyes. "I-I don't know how I could repay you… I-I…"

Emre shook his head. "You can repay me by making sure you stay quiet about how your son was healed."

"Y-yes! Of course! I really won't tell a soul! I swear it to Animor!"

Idris's eyes flicked over to the woman as she spoke. Compared to most of the Gods, despite being a ruling God, Animor was not revered as often as the other Gods. People did not often see death as something to be worshiped, not bothering to learn of the true complexities of it. In a way, he almost felt appreciative of her.

Emre smiled and nodded before standing up. "Then we'll take our leave. I hope your son recovers well… And do not look for me. I will not be in the city by tomorrow."

The woman's brows furrowed in worry but she forced a smile upon her face and nodded. "Alright… Thank you so much… I will never forget you."

Emre could do nothing but dip his head at the sentiment, exiting before Idris did. Idris hesitated and looked toward the woman one more time before leaving. The guard that had been waiting outside quickly followed after them as they went back to their horses.

Emre found himself bringing his arms in front of his ribs and holding on to his elbows. Biting into his lower lip, he found that despite helping someone he felt quite bad. All of these people around him could use help and yet he was going to be leaving tomorrow.

There were things that he could do for them but he had to force himself not to fall into the temptation. His tensed shoulders grew slack as Idris's hand carefully grabbed one.


Forcing himself to fake relaxation, he let his arms fall slack and as they exited back onto the road. An expression of indifference was plastered onto his face as they walked up to the horses and guards. He shrugged off Idris's hand at that moment.


'We'll talk about it later.'

'There isn't anything we can do right now. Alama is—'

'I know!'

Idris's brows furrowed due to Emre's forced tone but he didn't want to push him any further so he kept quiet. Mounting back onto their horses, they started forward once more feeling much worse than they had before.