Queen Venviel

The main hall was full of people. All sorts of races, the old, young, poor, and rich were all roaming around. As a place of reverence, many were praying and did not notice them at first but those who were not, gave them curious glances. A large group of well-suited people was exiting from further inside the temple, who wouldn't be curious?

Yivrenel, however, seemed to be of high regard and was well known. Those who saw that they were coming through immediately parted with inclined heads, muttering "High Priestess Yivrenel" as greetings regardless of if they had their own titles.

Yivrenel smiled and dipped her head toward all the greetings she received but they were still quick to exit the temple. Emre's breath hitched in his throat as he was finally able to see outside properly.

They were upon a raised hill, or rather, cliffside. What expanded out before their eyes was a massive city, bordering alongside cliffsides connecting to the ocean. The salty sea air wafted up toward them with each breeze, leaving an odd aftertaste in his mouth.

Colors of all types dotted the cityscape, buildings scattered everywhere before him. The thing that caught his attention the most, however, was on the opposite end of the city, there was another massive cliffside with nothing short of a stunning palace placed upon it. It was huge but didn't seem domineering, glinting happily in the sunlight. The urge to simply transform here and now to fly to it was strong.

One side of the city was protected from the sea by cliff, a short wall built along it with several gated entranceways that led down steps to the sea itself. A massive portside with sturdy wooden docks and what looked to be hundreds of ships. A navy.

On the opposite was a much larger wall to block out anything that may come from the land rather than the sea. It was so tall that it was hard to see over it even from this point of view. Outside was a wide expanse with a forest just in the distance.

They started down innumerable steps until they made it to a massive plaza. A fountain graced the middle of it, but the most eye-catching things were the massive buildings surrounding it. Although not as large as the temple above, these four were obviously temples depicting the four elemental Gods. Animor's temple, however, was nowhere to be seen here.

He didn't get the chance to ask though as his attention was brought away toward a few carriages and horses. Guards were waiting and when Yivrenel and company made it to the bottom of the steps they brought themselves over. Wasting no time, they were all divided into the carriages.

Emre, Idris, Yivrenel, and Izala all sat in the front carriage. And with the chance, Emre mentioned his previous thoughts.

"I did not see Animor's Capital Temple."

"Animor's Capital Temple is built at the bottom of the cliff," Yivrenel answered with ease. "He believes that it is best if his Temples stay near the people and are easy to get to. He does not care for being the biggest or the highest."

"I see."

This was a reasonable thought and as the carriages made their way down, Yivrenel moved the carriage curtain to point it out as they passed. At the bottom, there was a dark temple that was practically built into the cliff face itself. Compared to the number of people coming and going from the temples above, the people there were much fewer despite being the easiest to get to.

'We should visit when we have the chance.' Emre had turned to Idris as he mentally spoke.

'Yes, I'd like to.' Idris nodded.

Izala then cleared her throat to catch their attention. "During the meeting, you informed us all that you were young and didn't know much about the other Kingdoms. I hope I'm not being rude by asking, but how old are you both?"

Emre was a bit caught off by the question but answered honestly. "21."

"24," Idris answered as well.

Yivrenel seemed a bit shocked but Izala only nodded thoughtfully. "You two have much to learn then."

Emre nodded and recalled Izala stating that she would teach them and that she was a strategist. While he had no idea what she would be teaching them exactly, he was a bit curious.

"By the way, where is everyone else?" Emre asked, pulling the topic away for now since it could be dealt with later.

"They all arrived before you all. They are likely already at the palace." Yivrenel answered.

"Including Aveia?"


Emre nodded knowing his previous assumption that she would end up helping was correct. Although she was stubborn, Igma's words likely outweighed her feelings so she could do nothing but comply.

Given the palace was across the city it took a while to get there but after a tiny bit of small talk, Yivrenel informed them that they were almost there. Emre couldn't help but glance out the window and could barely see the looming palace in front of them getting larger and larger from this viewpoint.

He eventually gave up and waited until they were actually there, ignoring the heavier beating of his heart. Finally, the carriage stopped and the door was opened. Yivrenel and Izala exited first and the two dragons followed right after.

His heart felt like it had skipped a beat as he looked up at the towering building. Despite the threatening-looking spires, it still didn't give him the feeling of fear. It was more awe and excitement than anything.

A few people, servants or otherwise had cast their eyes toward the arriving group. Eventually, everyone had exited and they all began to be led up the steps to the giant gate of a double door. With shining eyes, Emre and Idris walked after Yivrenel and Izala who were escorting them.

The entrance led into a massive foyer, pillars towering high to hold up and ceiling above them. White, browns, and blues graced a majority of the building, the marble floors covered in extravagant patterns. Large chandeliers hung from above, casting magical light into the room.

It was silent aside from the clacking of their shoes, the rustle of their clothes, and the clanking of armor. Eventually, they arrived at yet another large door, and Emre couldn't help but wonder how all of this was built.

The guards stationed beside the doors quickly went and opened the doors. As the space in front of them opened into yet another massive room, Emre could tell this room was larger but not that different in visuals aside from the lack of stairs.

At the very end of the room there was a slightly raised platform and atop it sat a large blue throne and in that throne was a person. As they came closer, Emre could make them out. It was a young woman with long wavy pale blonde hair. She wore a long blue and white gown.

The sleeves started on her upper arms, lace intricacies flowed down the flowy sleeves of her arms and down to the floor. The blue covered a majority of her mid-body, before splitting into lace branch-like patterns down the skirt. A beautiful white circlet with a blue gem centered around her forehead.

Although imposing merely due to her status and the raised platform, when she looked down at them she had nothing but a warm smile upon her face. She stood up when they arrived, her pale skin and jewelry-covered collarbones were nothing but captivating even to someone like Emre who had no interest in women.

Off to the side already stood the rest of the High Priests and Paladins. They seemed to have already greeted her because they only had eyes on the arriving party.

When they stopped before her, naturally, everyone there fell into a kneel, including Emre and Idris.

"Rise." Her voice spoke smoothly like honeysuckle.

Responding to her call, everyone stood back up but the party behind Emre and Idris kept their heads inclined and actually took a few steps back. There was enough space for Emre and Idris to transform, just as they had wanted.

With a small flick of her hand, Yivrenel and Izala bowed once more and moved to the side to join the rest of them. As such, Emre and Idris were in the spotlight in front of her. Emre and Idris were both wearing their armor looking kempt and noble as they stood.

The High Priests and Paladins who had never seen them with this type of appearance before were eyeing them with interest. The Queen herself searched their forms, noting the abnormalities of their looks with nothing other than a smile upon her face.

"As you know, I am Queen Venviel. High Priestess Yivrenel informed me of who you are. She told me that you both gained a duty and the ability to wield radiant and shadow magic from Tirian and Animor, and that you had the intentions to aid us in our fight against the reykurn." She stated first. "However, when she told me of your appearance, it seems she was mistaken? You look nothing as what was described."

Steeling his nerves Emre let a graceful smile curl upon his features as he looked up at her. "Yes, the appearance that High Priestess Yivrenel saw was not this. And even now this is not our true appearance. I hope Your Majesty will forgive us for not meeting you in our true forms first."

Her light brows raised, her light blue eyes shining in interest. "Are you unable?"

Emre shook his head. "May we?"

"Go ahead." Venviel nodded with a gesture of her hand.

Unconsciously the party behind them took a few more steps back for good measure. Emre glanced back to make sure and then the two of them gave each other some room. In a moment, a bright light flashed the eyes of everyone present and when they looked again two magnificent dragons stood in place of the two strange humanoids.

Emre's white and gold scales dazzled everyone at first, his golden horns glinting in the light. Upon his right wrist lay a rose gold band with a blue gem and further up a marking of stark contrast to the rest of his scales wrapped around his upper forearm. It was a dark navy blue intricate band, the tattoo indicating his oath with Idris although everyone other than Ragan and Idris himself did not know what it signified even though the party had seen it before.

Idris's black scales shone in iridescence, the light making his dark scales dance with various colors as he moved. On his upper right forearm also laid a matching marking of stark contrast, a golden glittering band in the same pattern as Emre's. His spiked head inclined to look down at the Queen, his sharp icy blue eyes analyzing.

The guards that had been standing at attention were spooked by the sudden appearance of two very dangerous creatures and gripped for their weapons. They only stopped when the Queen raised her hand and forced them to hesitate in letting go of their hilts.

Emre gently inclined his head with a smile. "This is our true form."

"I hadn't expected to ever meet a mighty dragon in my lifetime, much less two. It seems the Gods are going to extra lengths to make sure this threat is extinguished." Venviel said, returning the smile.

"It would seem that way." Emre agreed with a small nod. "Although we still have much to learn."

This Queen did not seem so bad so far. Emre was hoping it would stay that way as time went on. Her attention then flicked to the people behind them.

"And these are all the companions you brought with you?" She asked.

"Yes, they are trustworthy," Idris spoke for the first time, turning his head to look at them.

"Please introduce yourselves," Venviel said, her tone still kind.

They began to introduce themselves, starting with Killan and going down the list. The Queen listened silently and nodded a bit until Ragan finished the introductions up.

"It's nice to meet you all. You are all also welcome to stay in the palace if you so desire." She ended up saying.

Their eyes lit in alarm and Killan shook his head. "We wouldn't dare intrude. High Priestess Yivrenel has already graciously allowed us to reside in her residence." He hurriedly said.

"I see, I see. If that is the case then I will not take away her guests." Venviel chuckled before looking up at the towering dragons. "What about you two? I'm sure I can prepare a room so that you two may reside in it without needing to change forms again. The benefits of having a massive palace like this are the giant rooms, doors, and halls. You'd be able to move freely in the palace even in your true forms."

Emre's eyes lit in interest. To be able to stay in this form would be nice and he knew Idris was definitely thinking the same. While being in his humanoid form was great for familiarity, he would like to get better accustomed to his dragon body. The offer was terribly tempting and he found himself looking toward Yivrenel.

Looking for permission to speak, Yivrenel looked toward Venviel who gave her a nod. "Everyone can speak freely here."

She then shook her head toward Emre. "Unfortunately even I cannot provide a residence for these forms. If you wish to remain like this, it would be best to remain here."

Emre nodded slowly, thinking about it as he looked at Idris next. Idris's usual hard expression even as a dragon, softened a tad as he looked at Emre as well.

'It would be nice to remain in this form.' Idris said lightly. 'But if we do stay here for the time being there will be eyes on us everywhere.'

'There will be eyes on us regardless of where we go.' Emre responded. 'Whether we go there or here it will be no different. We don't have any plans to do anything bad and they can't hear us when we speak like this so I don't think we need to worry either way.'

Idris nodded and looked back toward the party. Killan hesitated but remembered that the Queen said they could talk freely and spoke as Idris set his inquiring eyes on him.

"You two don't have to stay with us. Like I told you before, as long as you don't leave us out of the fight, do as you will."

Seeing that they did not mind, the two dragons looked back at Queen Venviel.

"It seems that we'll take you up on that offer. We thank Your Majesty for her generosity." Emre said as they both inclined their heads toward her.

"It's no trouble. I'll see a place for you two to stay is prepared." She said, glancing toward a man on the opposite side from the High Priests and Paladins who was barely noticeable.

He nodded and scooted off out of the room to do what he could. Emre couldn't help but feel happy that he would be able to stay in this form for a while. However, now that these quick arrangements were made, it was time to get a bit more serious.

"Your Majesty, Emre, and I intend to aid you in fighting back against the reykurn. Is there a place more appropriate to speak of war?" Idris asked.

Venviel's brows raised and she nodded, the smile on her face remained but her tone became more serious.

"Yes, of course. My council has been called and they should arrive any minute now. In the meantime, follow me to the War Room."

With that, the Queen stepped off the throne platform. Guards instantly took up spots beside her despite the two massive dragons following straight after her. Their backs were soaked in a cold sweat, knowing that two legendary creatures were but a few feet behind them.

Once the council was there they would be able to get down to business. Emre wondered what type of people they were but shrugged the thought off, knowing he was probably about to find out.