I couldn't sleep last night thinking about the woman whose mind I entered. The first experience of using mind magic really depressed me.

 We finished the operation at eleven o'clock at night. And this afternoon we will all return to our search schedule again. We're going back into Shieffeld.

 "Aurora, you must go to the Aegis Mansion. Ourinko is waiting for you around 2 o'clock. He wants to talk about your training. I'll open the vortex for you later in London." Daniel gave me the news over lunch at the hotel we were staying at.

 "Master Ourinko" the handsome man with long blonde hair. Why do I feel like I'm familiar with him? Very strange.

 "You are a soul mage, he wants to train you right away. He needs a lot of help to deal with this crisis. You are relieved of sweeping duties, from now on you will be under Ourinko's direct guidance."