"If you want these 200 hostages alive, hand over the Moon Witch at 12 o'clock tonight at Stonehenge. If at 12 o'clock tonight she doesn't turn herself in, you'll find them all dead!" Almeira Meier on the other end of the phone spoke to the Aegis Chief.

Almeira is the wife of Ashleen Meier. A German who is included in the 50 richest people in the world from the Absalon International group of companies. They are the brains of all this chaos. Almeira herself was a magician in the beginning. When he married Ashleen, then his magic power was withdrawn. Since the capture of some humans with dark magic power then everything has been exposed.

Almeira and Ashleen they were the first to make a pact with the world of darkness. The sorceress had betrayed her own holy blood.

"Almeira, you really are a demon. Cursed be you who betrayed your own bounty!"