My body is filled with strength. I gripped the sword Ourinko had left behind. I cast the Silver Moon Angel Sword Charm. This time I will make sure that not a single point of darkness can escape the power of my light.

Deus de caelo luna angelus ego pereat, satanam aliosque opus ejus. Da mihi virtual in gladio.

"My Lord the Creator, the Angel of the Moon. I will destroy darkness and its works. Give me strength in my sword.

My power glows. On my forehead appeared an ancient rune marking the moon angel. This is the moon angel sword, my sword, I channeled my strength into the sword in my hand and swung a slash with all my might. The silver hot energy swept over the cold energy in front of him. Hitting the wall of black energy in front of me until it was destroyed. The legion of darkness that was at the very front was swept down. While on the back end Ashley screamed horribly.