Dead end again. The number we suspect immediately disappeared from the network. He bought a 1x number to use for all communications and didn't use it for more than an hour.

"It's been 5 days from the transport of the virus carrier. If the virus is spread we will not have much time. We may have 4-7 days to find all the tissue before the pneumonia symptoms kill the first exposed subject. And if he does it right in 50 cities, our calculations in one month he can cut 40% of the population, even magicians are humans." dr. Markel warned us.

"Didn't we find someone or data that had access to a lab for virus development?" I asked Evan. Viruses carried by humans must be developed to be able to infect. There's no way they'd just let the human courier go. If he had just been released, we would have found him. But now, the courier carrying the virus seems to have been swallowed up by the earth.

"Unfortunately there is none, we have also been looking for that relationship."