Alexa finished wearing a blonde wig to take the place of her mother Sofia, while Chief Pollux wore the robes of the Clan Chief, and the four Russian generals were also fully clothed according to their positions.

"Everyone ready?"

"Our targets, Metteo Esposito and Andreas Maximo. No matter what happens those two people must be arrested and put into the vortex!" Chief Pollux briefed their final preparations. 

"As soon as we moved, they immediately launched attacks on Wuhan and Switzerland. The Legion will immediately secure Lombardy." Once again, the head of Pollux solidified their plan.

"I will wait from the signal from Sofia, who she will attack from behind. Your seniors and chiefs take care of the guards." They all understood Alexa's words.

Before long, a vortex opened in the isolation room. Sofia picked them up along with Andreas.

"Who's this?" Andreas immediately recognized that it was not Mother Sofia who had come before.