While Aurora arrives in Ittoqortoormiit, eastern Greenland is one of the coldest human habitations in the north. Below freezing weather is the daily staple here. Although sometimes the temperature can reach 20°C, the average freezing temperature must be faced throughout the year.


A layer of ice covers Greenland with a thickness of up to 3000 meters. Humans can inhabit only areas close to the coast. The center of the island is a vast snow plain. If the ice sheets across the island of Greenland melted, sea levels around the world would rise by 7 meters.

Greenland in the middle of a blizzard in May. It's supposed to be summer. But Seth's arrival and the weather anomaly he created made things icy here. Evan had warned them about this weather anomaly.

The temperature reached -30°C this morning. And it even looks like a blizzard is coming again because the sky is already darkening.