"Who said you can destroy it?" The clash of dark energy didn't reach me then. I opened my eyes and saw the silver runes colliding with the dark energy ball, and the two of them were erasing each other. Silver Runes? Aurora?

"Aurora?" I saw it coming out of the vortex. Why is he back now? Wasn't he gone for twenty-eight days?

"Alexa, I need you somewhere else. You know what you do with the legion. Help us okay?" 

Cara got behind her and came over to me.

"Mom! I'm mad at you! I'm really worried about you. Get out of here now." Her eyes were puffy with tears. Cara opens the vortex for me.

I can't talk. But I stepped into the vortex. I have to do something else. I can't believe it as a miracle has happened to me. Maybe this is a dream in a parallel world. Maybe I'm dead, and this is happening in another world I don't understand.
