I've finally been able to focus on training these past few days—level two, which contains the basic poses of the second stage, which have to practice flexibility.

I have to this torturous pose immediately master to get through stage two. Some talented students have even entered the 4th level of training. I still have to go through this seemingly endless torment of the elementary level.

"Your pose is wrong. Put your feet up higher." This Yoga teacher must have branded me the dumbest student here, and even auntie is in the middle of the third grade. I was down at the start of level two.

"Yes Master", I repeated my pose, and he guided me to my position.

"Relax, some of them have mastered Yoga before. You're not stupid." Somehow he understood my feelings and smiled coolly at me.

"I'm sorry teacher, I am stupid but I will do it until it's right" The young teacher named Kamal Khan smiled.