We arrived at his house in Manos when it was dark, and I had been here briefly on a mission in Elna. A younger sister Carlos, Laila, also lives here, I also met Laila during our mission in Etla yesterday, but her parents and other siblings still live in their hometown in the South of Menesis.

"You need something, think of it as your own home. The maids I told you my guest, they will help you. Tomorrow afternoon we have our first meeting with some of Menesis' main knights, we need you to keep an eye out for any intruders Launum."

"Yes, thank you Carlos."

"Tomorrow we will meet with the 20 main knights of Menesis, so far we have mapped the strength, there are 40 main knights who have joined in Menesis. And 10 of those Main knights were people Launum. King Manos himself seems to have been influenced by Launum. If there's no threat I can't handle, you don't have to intervene, wait. You and Liam are the ace while Guru Mediva is down on Gaissa."