"Are you guys from London? I heard people who speak this language say he's from a London city."

"That's my box. The name of this city is Cairo." Aurora explained to me where I am now.

I immediately explained to her that our worlds were parallel. All forms of continents are the same, but civilizations are very much different. I explained the runes I had, all the order in my world, haltingly because I said them, but I wasn't sure at other times whether they were spelt correctly. But they understood what I was saying.

"This rune, is in Giza too, the pyramid you appeared in. But half of it is broken, we only now map the runes. We dare not try obscure runes." The girl named Sara explained.

"Are you here alone?"

"Only I can unlock these runes, so I was careful coming here after asking the teacher for permission. I was able to meet the incarnation of the same goddess as me. You're the moon goddess too aren't you? Your ultimate strength,…."