"Chief Slavs, I will protect them here. Do what you have to do, help yourself and your people." Clayton has taken over the protection of Aurora and Cara now, letting the King take care of his people and save the property from rebuilding his castle.

"Master thank you I will save what I can save. I am leaving" The Slavic king left quickly, hoping he saved things with this.

While the first dragon queen to arrive had already attacked the city's protectors. But the power of those protective spells was truly immense in the hands of those who truly possessed the power. The queen's attacks couldn't penetrate the barrier at all.

"God damn it! We'll see with 100,000 dragon soldiers if you can survive. Attack them all!" The Queen made an order for her warrior dragons. The dragons flew and circled the large sphere, and then with the dragon queen's command, the dragons spouted their flames simultaneously.