As the three of us went down the lift, I couldn't help but get excited about the prospect of dragons. Mythical creatures that I had only seen in shows and read in books, and now I was going to see one in real life!
"So, what do we need to do?" I asked, trying not to sound over-eager, but at the same time not really sure why I was holding my excitement back.
"You just have to warm them up with your body heat; just put them between your Chest Eggs. They will warm-up, and then it should only take about five to ten minutes. You just need to be careful when you are talking them out because there are Cold-Stones in there to keep the eggs cold," Rixie explained as the two of us walked to the storage wall where I kept valuable things.
Miku had gone over to my bed and was now crawling onto it. Figures, but that was fine; I was sure that she had no idea what Rixie was talking about and was just waiting for the end result.