The Timeduss

"Timeduss are tenth generation Renicarnators. This means that they have walked ten unique paths, ten full and glorious lives! That is not to say that they were not filled with strife and pain, some even worse."

Suddenly I was thrown into a scene of battle on an open plain where humans fought massive demonic creatures in robes like Shaolin Monks. I watched from just outside the battle, but I could clearly see the men and women fighting with their bare hands.

It was mesmerizing to watch, but it was also a full-scale battle, and people and creatures were dying on both sides. I didn't understand the point of showing me this, I had learned what this looked like on a smaller scale, but then I noticed someone among the Human ranks.

Unlike the others, the strikes that she made were blasting the creatures back into the other one. 

This woman was a terror on the battlefield, and she was starting to move faster now. The Demon ranks were being decimated.