Waking Up, Lost

I was in darkness, but I had been sitting cross-legged for a while now. I had no idea where I was other than in a completely empty cavern.

I was getting no signs of life around me, and nothing but the constant drip of water could be heard. That and the three Cat Dragons that were still inside of me.

They were the only thing that had come with me; Hilda was gone. I don't know if she was just silent or if she had stayed with the ship, but I would be glad if it was the second.

"That is more than likely to be what happened, but you can't sit around here moping all day long, or we will never get anything done!" Thanos said in my mind.

"Yes, you should get up and explore around; you need to find a way out of here so you can figure out where you are," Tigra told me, but I knew that.

I was just trying to take everything that happened in and trying to think of what I could have done differently.