Lubrication Recipes

Suddenly, a window Alert appeared in my HUD that surprised me. I had forgotten entirely about my tasks, but I didn't know if I would get them this time, but it seems that they have changed.

[Anomalous World Task] Activated!

[Name]: Bloody Bug Juice for Bill!

[Task Description]: Collect:

{0/10 Blood Sacs}

{0/10 Nectar Hexes}

[Reward]: 1 Targeted Gene-Based Skill of current Genes active. Gains access to the Alpha Vampire and grants you favor with him.

Where was I getting these sacs and hexes to carry all this liquid? Also, where was I going to put it when I did get it?

"What is that thing floating in front of you?" One of the Thrulls asked me, pointing to the Anomalous World Task window.

I was surprised, but then Helaina poked her head around me and made an ah sound like she was powering up.

"You-you, you're the, wait, no, God-Tech, yeah, wait, what?! Waaaaaa?!" Helaina burst out and then started another power-up.