Step In If I Had To

Before we left, Shiva transformed her body into a floating platform and allowed everyone but Rai Cait on. He was forced to run behind; Shiva said it was good for him to stretch his legs after being cramped up for so long.

Rai Cait didn't complain, so I left it alone but vowed to get between the two if she started to go hard on him. While I was sure that he deserved it, the man was clearly making an effort and really didn't have to put up with her badgering but instead chose to.

For me, that was worth trying to look past the past indiscretions. Rai Cait was a god after all, and he submitted to me something he was clearly not used to doing, but he had made a choice.

There was also a question floating around my head about the Black Boxes and Gem Hearts that contained the personalities of the two feline races. The two weren't that different, and it was sad to see immortal creatures like this.