I ran into the next room but didn't stop till I got to the middle of the next room as the two yellow turtles opened their mouths. Yellow lasers crossed behind me as I took down both turtles with two double attacks each.
Once they were dead, I walked up to the next room's portal and prepared myself as I stepped through.
The next room had two pillars and a pair of spiky red frogs that both turned to me and then jumped high into the air. I wasn't sure what would happen, but this was the first room with pillars, so I got behind one of them.
The frogs slammed down, and a halo of white spikes burst from them. The pillar blocked both attacks for me, and I started to fire bolts around the pillar, quickly taking both of them out.
There was no Power Up again, but that wasn't the end of the world, so I almost jogged to the next portal. I had gotten a bit faster again, so I was still progressing.