Hook Up

"Hey! You called earlier," Tom said immediately the call connected, while he tried to drive the car slowly so that he wouldn't disturb Lucy's sleep. He could tell that she was exhausted, even though her tiredness had nothing to do with her duties at the office.

"You have now become a difficult man to reach. I wonder if it's because your right-hand man isn't with you," Jade said as she went to sit in front of the dresser in her bedroom.

"Simply because you called once and I didn't take your call I've become a difficult man to reach? When did you become such a drama queen?" Tom asked with an amused chuckle, ignoring the other part of her statement.

"Since you sent your cute best friend over here to babysit me," Jade responded as she untied the belt of her night robe with her other hand which wasn't holding the phone to her ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tom denied, trying to play ignorant.