That Harry

Candace had a frown on her face as she looked at Jade in confusion, wondering what she was talking about. Up until a moment ago Jade had seemed just as confused about her and Sara's intention, so when did she discover the truth? Was it while looking at the documents on the bed? Candace mused.

"What is the truth?" Candace asked, unsure if she really wanted to know or not. 

"..." As Jade opened her mouth to speak, her phone began to ring and she immediately received the call when she saw it was from Tom, "Give me a moment," she murmured to Candace before hurrying out of the bedroom.

Once she left, Candace picked up her journal to look at what she written down.

"Sup? How is it going over there?" Jade asked anxiously as soon as she closed the door behind her and walked into the living room.

"I'm going to send one of the jets over to get Candace. Can you make sure she gets on the jet today?" Tom asked hopefully.