Kiss And Make Up

No matter how hard Tom tried to focus on the documents in front of him, his conversation with his mother kept coming back to him.

The pregnancy kit had to be Lucy's, right? It wouldn't make sense for her to have such a personal item belonging to someone else, would it?

If it was hers and she was pregnant, as the kit had said, he needed to get her to open up to him about it so they could resolve it as soon as possible.

If she was going to have a medical abortion or whatever was more suited to her, he needed to be with her through it. He couldn't just travel and leave her to handle things on her own.

As much as he loved Lucy and wanted nothing more than to marry her and have children with her, he couldn't be selfish right now and think about himself or how his heart kept racing at the thought of the possibility of a life growing in Lucy's abdomen.