Girls Hangout

Seated in Matt's apartment now, Candace pressed her lips as she sat still while he went to get her a glass of water.

How was she to tell him that she who had given the rule not to let the others find out about their affair had been the first to blow it?

"So, what happened earlier? What was with the phone call?" Matt asked curiously as he brought the glass of water she had requested to her and sat down on the couch beside her.

Candace took a sip and then without meeting his gaze said, "It may have slipped that I was coming to see you."

"Slipped? From whom? To who?" Matt asked with curious amusement.

Candace didn't meet his gaze as she explained what had happened, and Matt tried to keep a serious face as he listened even though he was dying of laughter inside.

When she was done he raised a brow, "So, what now? Since one of your rules for our arrangement has been broken by YOU, do you want to end it?" Matt asked and Candace frowned.