Sharing The Shower

Instead of spending a day or two in Sogal as Harry had said they would, Harry and Jade ended up staying there until the end of the week after Matt had left.

After spending a couple of days with Andy, Harry had grown to like her even more than he had the first day she came.

Andy's presence seemed to have made Candace happier and even more confident, too. And he liked seeing how she also made their father happy. From the way she treated and related to Aaron, no one would ever guess that she wasn't Aaron's biological daughter.

Harry was glad that he had spent the last couple of days with his family, and he looked forward to spending more time with them in the future.

Jade, on the other hand, couldn't wait for them to go back already. She had had enough fun and had satisfied her curiosity, and now, all she wanted was to be alone with her man.