YingPei and Ling's plan

In the Fu House, things were going differently. Fu Hua, YingPei and Ling had just returned home after going out to party. It was a bachelorette party Fu Hua's friend that just come back to the country, threw for him.

The party was fun and as if knowing his friend very well, he (Fu Hua's friend) did not invite any ladies to the party.

Fu Hua, YingPei and Ling came back in time for dinner.

As the male family members were sitting at the dinner table and enjoying their supper, Grandfather Fu paused with eating and held his chopsticks 🥢 in his hands and fixed his gaze on YingPei and Ling.

"Have you two found your partners?" He asked.

YingPei paused with the food in his mouth for two seconds before continuing to eat. His heartbeats had already increased by a few times with that question from his grandfather.