Seeking Pity

The day Mr. Suarez arrived at the hospital to see Alix and the child was the same day the child was released from the special room he was being observed.

Right now, the frail-looking child had returned his normal complexion and was laying comfortable in his cot. He was fast asleep, while Alix played with her phone.

She took one picture of her child and posted it on the net with the caption, 'I have a few special people in my heart and my son shares a birthday month with one of them. This is truly a great feeling.'

Right after she posted that, she dumped her phone to eat the food that was brought for her.

Some minutes later, there were already hundreds of comments under her post.

'I thought she would take a break after giving birth but no, I thought wrongly of her.'

'She is not acting like someone that just gave birth. It's like that her pregnancy was fake!'

'Maybe she had a child through surrogacy.'