Heartbroken Alix

The servant was afraid to talk but more scared that she would attack with her claws, so she spoke up nervously, "Ma'am, it looks like he is not around."

"What?! What do you mean by that?!" Alix asked as she took a few steps closer to her. The servant was scared and immediately backed away while replying to her question.

"I knocked several times and called out to him by there was no response."

"Get out!!!" Alix screamed angrily, and the servant ran away in fear.

Alix was as confused as anything at the moment. Her heartbeat couldn't stop palpitating, as she was as afraid that everything she has worked so hard for, was crashing down with speed.

Alix was frustrated that she almost forgot to dial Carlos's number, but when she did so, it wasn't reachable. Out of anger, she threw her phone away and immediately picked up her nighttime before leaving the house.