
The CCTV camera at the hotel was checked, but nothing linked Mark and Bai Jun to the hard drug found in the room they both entered.

The conclusion after watching the CCTV footage leading to that room was that it was either Mark had the drugs in his pocket, or Bai Jun had the drug in her bag and wanted to plant it in the room in other to frame Mark.

Several speculations rose, and more investigations were carried out. In Bai Jun's story, she had a cup of orange juice and a meal at the hotel. One was provided by Mark, and the order was from the hotel.

When further investigations were done to find out how Bai Jun ingested the hard drug, nothing much was found. The empty juice cup Bai Jun disposed of in the waste bin, was taken out that same hour, and disposed of, so that evidence was lost.

At long last, Bai Jun spent several days in police custody until evidence was found against Mark.