Sudden Switch

"It's okay." Fu Hee comforted her.

Fu Hee sympathized with Jia Li after coming to know the kind of pressure the entire family had unknowingly put her into. The young woman has been carrying a burden all this while. She is the victim here.

The pressure that comes with childbearing can be enormous, especially when a woman is not ready, or can't conceive. In Jia Li's case, she was ready and with everyone's expectancy, there was a bit of pressure on her. 

These two women hugged, one comforted the other one and agreed to keep her secret, while the other one said her thanks and dried her tears. All these happened without knowing that Fu Hua was right outside the door, listening to them.

He has been standing since the second time Fu Hee asked Jia Li if she was pregnant therefore, he heard their entire conversation.