Spicy chicken noodle soup

The next minute, Fu Hua couldn't believe that he was in a supermarket shopping for ingredients to cook Spicy chicken noodle soup.

As Jia Li pulled Fu Hua to the noodles section, she asked, "Why is there a huge frown sitting on your face? If someone didn't know better, they would think I have offended you."

"Don't you know you have offended me?" Fu Hua asked and followed her to the shelf for a particular noodle.

"How can you be so petty? You are not normally this way. You were always loving and anything I wanted, you will give to me, why are you acting this way?" Jia Li asked.

She felt that there was another personality inside of him currently. As she said, he used to do whatever he could to make her comfortable, but today, he was being so reluctant, especially in her condition.

"Am I not allowed to be this way?" Fu Hua asked in a tired tone.