She wanted more, and she got it

Jia Li refused. Instead of accepting the reasonable deductions he made, She tried to convince him.

"We will be fast." She said as she moved closer to him and wrapped her hands around his neck.

Fu Hua couldn't help chuckling, "You are not usually like this, what is wrong with you today? Do you miss me that much, or are your hormones acting up?" 

"All of the above. Stop talking, you will kill the mood." Jia Li complained with a frown. She needed him urgently, she wanted him to love her in bed.

Fu Hua wrapped his hands around her waist and said, "Wouldn't it be good if we kill the mood now, instead of getting cut off in the middle of it?"

"No!" Jia Li replied and covered his mouth with her lips. Her kiss was quick and fierce. 

As she kissed him, she rubbed her body against him, and pushed his back to the couch, so that she was now laying on top of him.